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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I resigned from my previous job after being there for 5 years. I had a nice 15 days vacations plus 5 personal days but I found a better opportunity so I had to start again with 10 days vac.
  2. Don't know what's so special about this game it's just another shitty lego game
  3. I am saying that a lot of men have been publicly ridiculed for being in disagreement to these new "trans rules". Take Jordan Peterson for example, and his statement of being completely in disagreement for the Canadian Government to rule what people can or can't say based on a big minority on binary pronouns. He got ousted and kicked off from many organizations because of this. Then comes along this woman doing basically the same, except some trans creature had to dig through years of twitters content and then bam she gets fired, and people are trying to call it a mysogini
  4. Did I ever say I was glad? Whatever, what pissed me off was that she tried to blame it on being a mysoginistic decision. Like, please bitch.
  5. When you sign the contract with a job place, they specify that they can get rid of you if you violate any of their policies, one of them being social media content. She got fucked and now she is trying to play the gender card. Disgusting. Get fucked bitch.
  6. I was going to say the same shit about Deathflop.
  7. "Firing women to protect the feelings of men is mysoginistic" Isn't this what women have been doing to men? lmfao talk about being fucked over by your own twisted sense of reality. Btw, she wasn't fired because of being a "woman". Actually, no woman has being hurt or harmed because of being strictly a woman. It's probably because she did something else.
  8. 10 holidays plus your vacation time which is 10 more days.
  9. Xbox is sucking hardcore right now. But it makes up for when Forza Motorsport comes up Gamepass is good for finding out good day 1 games
  10. Who the fuck cares. Aren't you like 40 years old? Lmfao caring about console sales in 2023
  11. I enjoyed Awakening. But Three Houses was meh with the whole Harry Potter theme.
  12. Hope it is not as half assed as GT sport vr
  13. In before they add some evil lines of code and we are all fucked.
  14. 2 hour battery that is attached to your waist. LMFAO
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/sports/action-sports-legend-dc-shoes-co-founder-ken-block-killed-snowmobile-accident.amp Wtf man. I just watched him drifting that electric Audi.
  16. lmfao, when did I ever say my steering wheel was a status symbol? This kid can't live his life without feeling threatened by whatever I do.
  17. Lmfao Keep acting like it's an achievement to have touched a female for once in your life and boasting it as something edgy in a gaming forum. This is not 2005 anymore, chimps
  18. I do it to protect the alcantara on the steering wheel from being ruined with the sweat of my hands. I doubt you have ever had anything that nice between your hands.
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