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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. It's a 55" sitting about 3 feet from the wheel. It's just the angle of the GoPro making it smaller.
  2. Increase my bodycount. Right now, I can´t fit anymore below my bed. Nah, just joking. I won't tell my resolutions though. If I do, it won't happen.
  3. Carlos get raped. It's all about the skill and less about the rig. Although I ended up pos 49 and going up by the minute.
  4. Yeah, the moment you said sangria, I realized it. The match between Portugal and Morocco, I went to a Portuguese bar in Hartford, called "Cambrense" and after having a Super Bock, my bud noticed the bartender was serving some dark red drink with soda, "Sumol" so we tried it. It instantly reminded me of Sangria.
  5. https://untappd.com/b/witchdoctor-brewing-company-i-am-frut/3269375
  6. Not really, it is a good game stuck in it's roots but has evolved a bit. The game that needs a desperate overhaul is Forza Motorsport.
  7. There are more variations, but they are hard to find now due to the game´s age. The concept is still the same. A ton of great maps came during the TFC era, long maps, vertical maps, maps with tons of traps and hazard pits. It was awesome.
  8. I was playing GT7 yesterday and in cockpit view, there is a SHITLOAD of pop-in. So it has nothing to do strictly with the Switch. Anyways, looks good. Reminds me of Metro Exodus. Best on Xbox.
  9. That "Toy Story Map" is a remake of the original creation "Turkeyburgers" from Team Fortress Classic.
  10. That's in gringo's parties? With Hispanic people, we wait for the countdown and after that, turns into a regular party with dancing and drinking.
  11. I was there in Wynwood last year for an Above and Beyond concert. Mainly stayed there but it was awesome. Night life is always top notch in Miami.
  12. I thought fallout 76 sucked. I am always wanting to post my pos5 end of the year summary.
  13. Thinking about going to NY this weekend but not for the ball, just family. Wish there was something good to do around here in CT but it's too fucking cold.
  14. Game was always a chore to play since the very beginning. It´s just that a lot of people had CD Project Red´s cock stuck in their throats. But then that honeymoon phase ended quickly when they fucked up with Cyberpunk, everyone realized and saw TW3 for what it truly always was, a game with shitty controls.
  15. Feliz navidad You filthy putos.
  16. I haven´t played it yet. I have been playing Horizon Zero Dawn instead. Pretty decent game.
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