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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. The Elite controller was not mandatory either but it was one of the finest controllers ever made. Get fucked Sony.
  2. Social media has completely fucked up us in so many ways it is not funny. It has dehumanized networking and human relations at a basic level so bad that we could be sitting in the same table, but rather be socializing with people far away, from other states or countries. Also, social media has changed the dating game completely and skewed the perception of desirability for women (look for the tinder study about male and female dating percentages). So AI comes around and what do you think it is going to do? Destroy human interaction to the point of futur
  3. Meanwhile we gotta deal with that Superbowl shit every year.
  4. It is not over. It will be back in 4 years.
  5. If they make me see an ad before booting a Gamepass game, I will seriously have a strong desire to cancel it.
  6. Yep, it was emotional and shit. After that, I went to watch El Chiringuito. Shit was guuuud!
  7. Looks like it is borrowing assets from Awakening from n the 3ds.
  8. It's pretty decent. The graphics are better than Heat and the cops are not as annoying.
  9. Hardly better than the PS3. Even though PS3 took two years to take off.
  10. Kojima just said he rewrote the story ever since the pandemic. I bet you Hotsauce's gay ass that there will be a covid reference.
  11. Death Stranding 2? Sure, I am in. Though I am wondering how will it play this time. No more delivering packages?
  12. Oh my gosh. Another one, why don't you two get a room and fuck each other?
  13. Dude, shut the fuck and stop being such a cringey whiney little betacuck bitch.
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