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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Was the shitty gameplay enhanced as well? Also, I see this as a fan move to change the tune away from the disastrous Cyberpunk release handling. In my opinion, I had fun with Cyberpunk, and I honestly saw no point in enhancing TW3.
  2. The PS5 is way better than the Series X, in terms of software. Between GT7 and Horizon Zero Dawn, there is nothing like this on Series X. All I am waiting for is Forza Motorsport 8.
  3. Yep. 10 hour trial. More than enough to realize it is a Heat clone with stickers.
  4. You don't need triple screens for PC gaming. Just get a curved widescreen monitor. And for fucks sake, with that set-up and maining a CSL DD1. My dick just got smaller looking at that. You need a Podium DD1.
  5. All the characters to choose and customize looking like fucking dykes, and they both have male and female voice without changing the appearance. LMFAO WTF
  6. It is a straight up copy of Heat with cellshaded effects. It sucks. NFS is dead.
  7. SpaceX can't flop because he has unlimited funds. Tesla is trash though, and design wise, everything has surpassed it.
  8. I have been raped. I've been hooked into the game, doing side quests, storyline, and unlocking more abilities. Still, the game has the same flaws of being too feminist but at least I can ignore them.
  9. 2042 is a joke. The frostbite engine from Back to Karkand expansion on ps3 had more interesting and attractive physics.
  10. Both sides have their own side of extremists like the left's SJWs that physically attack everyone that disagrees with them on any protest and the right's MAGA buffoons that attacked the capitol back on January.
  11. lmfao you would be the one to cry about Dr Peterson being allowed back to Twitter, you beta orbiter.
  12. Shit, I didn't know this board existed. This is going to be fun. Btw, Trump got unbanned from Twitter. Should be interesting to see all the progressives get mad about this.
  13. https://twitter.com/naiivememe/status/1594192574633607168?t=zEtgNGnBLtZQRvFckMm5JA&s=19
  14. It is like Horizon Zero Dawn upscaled for PS5.
  15. Started with the original Halo CE, then Halo 2 Anniversary Edition, then just finished Halo 3 yesterday and reading about the right order to play the games, I find myself with the surprise that I should have played Halo Reach before all of them. This is supposed to be like a prequel to Halo CE. Gameplay feels tighter, good shooting controls, good sound and the emphasis on teamplay makes it more interesting.
  16. https://www.polygon.com/23434321/playstation-plus-subscribers-down-2022-earnings TCHBFR!
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