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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Between Sony pushing their feminist agenda with their games and MS just buying devs to not do shit, we are fucked. Incredibly, Nintendo is saving the gaming industry, but not without their rehashing of franchises. Nope, we are fucked. Wish we could have that small B support that carried on the PS2,Xbox and GC era. Tons of great games.
  2. A friend from work is hooked into the game and told me to get it, but he has a PS4. Problem is, I already shelved my PS4 and have my PS5. From my understanding, the PS5 version is not compatible with PS4 for online gaming. What is the solution for this?
  3. What should I give myself as a present? In before get a life or a king size bed you fgt.
  4. Go woke, get broke. It never fails.
  5. Yeah, I was checking ebay for that, and the games goes for $40 unopened. However, 3d All Stars goes for more sealed, and that´s good as I haven´t opened that game.
  6. I have a bunch of Switch games unopened but this one I bought, Super Mario 3d World, I do want to play but I don´t want to open it, lol I was thinking about having some games sealed and increase their value.
  7. A handle that grabs the piece. The first time it grabbed it, it destroyed the piece so I assumed it had to do it again with the other one holding another piece below it. I do agree, the game doesn´t hold your hand at all.
  8. Damn dude, you really go HAM on them. I was playing the beginning and got stuck in that puzzle in which you have to move the buttons from the control.
  9. And before the resident SW beta cucks show up, I have played games in which women were the main protagonist. As a matter of fact, Drakan the Ancient Gates is one of my most favorite games ever, but that game was diverse and had men and women fighting for a common goal or their own personal gains without picturing men as evil.
  10. The gameplay and visuals are the best thing about this game, but the feminist agenda is very present. Funny though, how women complain about the patriarchy but then we have the main tribe named "The Matriarch", lmfao. Its a decent game but its living its own alternate reality. I am at the part in which Aloy finds Sona and she is a very brave, stubborn black woman and her son is pussy pampered.
  11. At first I read 40k and still that wasn't enough. However, 4k, holy shit. Chineseshoptendo.
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