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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. It's as low as it will get with Nintendo games.
  2. Just got Super Mario 3d World + Bowser's Fury for $40
  3. Sleazy iphone flex. Nope, SW runs fine in my two year old Pixel 5, but looks like your Crapple iPhone can't take it
  4. $40 now that sounds better. I'll buy it physical and digital and keep the physical version unopened.
  5. There's plenty of youtubers doing it, like Darius M and Sandman.
  6. Dude it's just regular MGTOW, and you are clearly getting offended by it, lmfao. I used to find a ton of content regarding that on Reddit till they censored MGTOW and MGTOW2. Then, they moved to Ruqqus and the admins censored them too and that place turned into a wasteland.
  7. Why are you so concerned about it? Are you secretly a cunt? Lmfao chill bitch.
  8. I think it's because things are happening and women don't want men to get aware. The marriage scene is shrinking, so women have less chance to take from men,. Hell the dating scene has changing too and less women are getting free stuff and giving nothing back. Even bitches that were all down for empowerment want to still be dependent on men and not want to work.
  9. I just want something good to read. Stop being a beta cuck.
  10. That's women's trash talk. Give me something good.
  11. You of all people trying to play that alpha guy card? Really Twinkie? That's all you got? I just want to read some shit.
  12. Literally every one of them is shut down by those feminist cum dumpsters.
  13. Aloy doesn't even look like a woman. It's like those feminists cucks know even in their wildest dream, the most perfect woman looks like a man. TSHBFR
  14. Guerrilla should stick to Killzone games. The problem with Horizon Zero Dawn is not the gameplay per see but the fact that the feminist agenda is strong on this one. So far, 5 hours in, Alloy has met weak men and strong women. The importance on knowing your mother is strong on this one, while men are put aside as the weak or evil. Fuck this feminist propaganda shit. Uninstalling it.
  15. I am not buying it. I already have it, for free apparently. I am talking about Zero Dawn.
  16. So, should I play Zero Dawn before Forbidden West? or does the order doesn't matter?
  17. I've been wanting to try it too. I have a voucher for Forbidden Horizon that I don't even plan to use. Maybe I can trade it.
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