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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Crapple, as always years late, more expensive and with outdated tech.
  2. The Fanatec WRC rim. It is very light and easy to maneuver (I use gloves though to not ruin the nice alcantara, although I already wore out the thumbs part as I didn't have a pair of gloves back then). As far as games go, I prefer WRC 10 although Dirt Rally 2.0 is fun but doesn't do physics very well even though people swear by Codemaster's Dirt Rally title. The main problem I have is that in rally games, you are supposed to go sideways and always be in the verge of losing control and regaining it. Kylotonn's WRC titles do this extremely well. You can go sideways, gauge tracti
  3. It is but I had to tone down the force feedback as it was killing my hands. I've been thinking about doing some videos of recording myself driving.
  4. That's the entire point of rally games. Without them, you would not know how to take corners.
  5. Does that mean your shitty excuse about Xbox Series SX games being "playable" on PC goes out of the window?
  6. Next time I'll record myself naked Jimbo style.
  7. Agreed. Looks boring from third person view. I'll try to upload a race in first person view later tonight. Like I said, I have to live record it as the Xbox doesn't allow me to do it after race.
  8. At last, I was able to record it, but the option to record more than 1 minute still doesn't show on my Xbox, like others.
  9. Playstation 4 Seagate USB 3.0 external HDD 2 tb Previously used on PS4 to run games externally so its definitely 3.0
  10. I was able to get it to format to NTFS but it still doesn't allow me to record more than 1 minute. And before someone asks, I set it to Capture Location and Picture, Video and Media.
  11. Just did it. For some reason an option was not showing up on my PC. Done.
  12. The Xbox doesn't recognize it and neither does my pc. Only way to access it is through disk management system and there are only two options, dynamic or mbr. No such option to format to NTFS as it doesn't even show up on my drives list. Any solutions?
  13. I got a cellphone strap that you get on your head and you can read from your view but you can't view anything until you are done. Thinking about getting a go pro.
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