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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Ok, so 2021 wasn't a complete cow slaughtering? lmfao Xbox destroyed the shitstation brand so bad this year that you are waiting for a sequel for a game that is doomed to start from the beginning and the sequel to a racing game that 8.0'ed last prequel. I don't even feel threatened by GT7. It is going to flop. The formula is dated, the graphics engine is dated, the whole gameplay concept has been surpassed by Forza Motorsport YEARS ago.
  2. lmfao Ratshit ROFLMAO Spiderman Horizon will be full of SJWs references it will be tedious to play. Forget about GT7. It wont come out till fall 2022 and it will still flop.
  3. Enjoy playing Recturnal and Demon's Souls again while you jack off to those sales.
  4. https://metro.co.uk/2021/12/05/i-finally-bought-a-ps5-and-im-already-regretting-it-15717472/amp/ TCHBFR Why do I get the feeling this will be a very popular opinion this holiday. Sony has absolutely nothing this holiday.
  5. I thought you were Afterall, you like to fuck trannies. Or was that whipit?
  6. I just forced myself to beat mission 11. 15 minutes to make 25,000 points. I did it with 80% damage. I never had that issue with previous AC games. This one though, seems to be harder to me then usual.
  7. Ace Combat 7 felt like an experiment in Unreal Engine. The formula from previous Ace Combat games doesn't work here because unlike previous games, new technology allowed them to spam enemies against you. Before it was about 5 to 1. Now, with your useless wingmen that don't shoot down anything, it's 50 to 1. The formula was completely broken. Add the fact that every mission is timed, checkpoints are spaced out too far and sometimes not at all. Oh and the biggest offender is that you are racing against time. It the timer was extended or sometimes gotten rid
  8. The mission structure is timed to make no mistakes and the gameplay itself is a spamfest of enemies tracking on you, like 50 to 1. Bought it again for Xbox after stopping at Mission 18 on PS4, but decided to uninstall it again.
  9. Shadows are soft, lighting is smoother and that's where everything positive about this video ends. The negatives, tree lods loading in your face, still the same catch the rabbit on the lead gameplay from previous games, no sign of visual or mechanical damage, cockpit view takes nearly half of the screen (GT pros and competitive players just race on bumper cam view anyways). This is just like a video of Polyphony Digital showing you a video of GT7 on PS5 and saying "YOU WANTED IT?, WELL HERE IT IS!"
  10. BF3 was pretty innovative and awesome. It had a good player count (32 on consoles, 64 on PC), it had destructive environments, great maps and a good selection of classes. BF4 came way too soon. As a matter of fact, DICE should have done something else during this time and releasing BF4 in the same way it came out and people would have still liked them. In my opinion, both BF1 and BF5 were terrible, especially the latter. However, to admit defeat in such a way that they are out publicly saying that they are already working on the next BF game. That screams a
  11. Ghostz acts like imessage is still prevalent. Nobody uses that. Not even itards. imessage was just a novelty, like facetime. There are way better options, considering other apps are available for both OS.
  12. I doubt its going to be like Gamepass, because like several people have said, MS does Day 1 releases and they also have a catalogue of original Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 games. What can Sony offer? PS2 and PS1 games?
  13. It's not fragmentation. It's called choice bro. I don't know what's so bad about having options. Not everyone is a sheep that uses the same app.
  14. Reminds of me of Quake 1 & 2's music. I'll listen to them so more in my workouts. I already want to fuck someone's shit up (it's not from this place).
  15. Uhmm... I use only two, Whatsapp and Discord and each one have their own specific purpose. The only one that I use messaging for but not strictly that is Instagram and you still need those three apps. Anyone with Android can choose to message on a variety of apps (Telegram, Whatsapp, iSignal) iTards will only use imessage because that's what they bought the phone for. Otherwise they would have bought Android and only iTards can use that awful imessage.
  16. All I heard was bitch this and yeah bitch that. It was so cringey that even her tits shrunk.
  17. Tell me what do you think about the whole album. I think it's one of the best ones I've ever heard. The House of Pain is so fucking amazing.
  18. I am in the song "The House that Pain Built". Literally every song I've heard up to this one, I've liked a lot.
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