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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. That Japanese Studio was disbanded and incorporated into Sony NA.
  2. Sony is even worst. Sony makes a game about trannies with man tits and superhuman strength = cows, I am ok with that. Microsoft makes a presentation about inclusion = cows, wtf this is the last straw TCHBFR
  3. Remy was the one with the crocodile Dundee hat.
  4. Kinda like Nintendo selling you Super Mario 3d All Stars and including Mario N64 in a subscription that you must pay for $50 a year?
  5. I've been playing Project Wingman. It's a good and challenging game.
  6. I don't sell games because you can't play them again unless you rebuy them. With Gamepass if I like the game, I buy it for less.
  7. Flight Sim was an isolated case. But regarding Gears, Halo, Forza, State of Decay, they are usually Day 1.
  8. You know that MS also does Day 1 release games right? And like that other poster said, you get a MS console because you like their games. I wouldn't get an Xbox because I enjoy playing Sony games.
  9. You are not going to play a single game, longer than a few months. And if you really like it, then I'll buy it but I will do with a discount. Whenever Gamepass takes off a game from the catalogue, it allows you to buy with a nice discount.
  10. Holy crap, cows are becoming as stupid as the sheep. So they'd rather spend 180 bucks on 3 games just because they can own them forever, and not spend the same playing the same games and many more.
  11. A few months ago when I was drunk and bought the John Wick Trilogy on Bluray.
  12. The only thing I don't like are the low textures. And the lack of replays. Besides that, everything is awesome.
  13. Owning games is overrated nowadays. You boast about owning a game, when a few years later the servers for that game, get shut down and you end up with a piece of software that loses about 50% of its features. So Psychonauts 2 will eventually become $10. Yeah, and by that time there will be other and newer games on the service. Gamepass is a good subscription service because there is a constant supply of games for the people that take games casually and that is about a good 75% of today's people that buy games. I will pay about $180 a year for the service and with just
  14. No, he's not dead. He is one of the greatest DJs of the genre.
  15. It had a ton of games at launch. Series X is the perfect console that likes to play games, from every gen. You got the old classics on Xbox, then some backward gens on 360, every game from last gen and upcoming titles. It's not my fault that you cows are just posers that just like to gobble whatever Sony craps on your face. You are almost as bad as the sheep.
  16. I paid hundreds of dollars for a service that I enjoy using it. I don't see a problem with that. I played Flight Simulator, Mechwarrior, Project Wingman, and next month I'll play Forza Horizon 5. Later this year, I'll play Halo Infinite. Along with lots of backwards compatibility games. I see my investment was worth it. Don't come here and talk shit about raising the monthly subscription because as of now Nintendo is the one that just screwed you over with $50 increase to play N64 roms.
  17. Cows don't like a good deal. That's why they bought a pos console that overheats to pay more to play the same games they played years ago. Demons Souls for $70 Miles Morales
  18. Yeah it does but I believe it is up to the console to support which format desires.
  19. I thought it supported 5.1 but it only displays 2.1 on my receiver. Unless it's not supported in the demo.
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