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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. https://www.imore.com/nintendo-switch-online-expansion-pack-has-some-serious-lag-issues The Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack has some serious lag issues In the words of Mario, "Oh no!" Can't even get 20 year old games right. Nintendo, you are truly the shittiest company on earth.
  2. Both of them copy each other. Too bad Apple can't copy Google's maps app. The Maps option from iOS is absolutely fucking awful.
  3. Of course it has to run Android. That´s the most stupid reason ever to bash a Pixel phone. If anything, nobody uses sms anymore. Everything is done via Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal or IG.
  4. I just got a Pixel 5 a few months ago. Although flawed, it's a good phone but damn those improvements for only $200 more. Google is not stepping into the bs zone that both Samsung and Apple have gotten in with their shitty overpriced phones.
  5. Because it has happened before and because of some omissions, the game's score was dragged down. "Oh, that game doesn't have trannies or women with dicks and no tits, that game doesn't represent us, minus 3 points".-Bethany
  6. It doesn't have any lesbians or trannies so it will probably get low scored by Queefspot.
  7. Looks like a ps2 game stretched out like crazy.
  8. If you are not defending him, then what the fuck are you doing here, fragile bitch. Just trying to provoke like the typical man hating feminist bitch that you are.
  9. Neither am I. I just said he has always been a scumbag and this incident was indirectly his fault too. You are the one that keeps sucking his dick.
  10. Salah is fucking railing them at Old Trafford.
  11. Also, there was more experienced crew that was fired because they raised concern for working conditions and safety issues. They were replaced with a more inexperienced crew just to meet their goal. I already knew Alec Baldwin was a fucking scumbag but this gives me more "ammo" (pun not intended) to get that fucker in jail, since he is also a producer.
  12. Too much humbleness from a console that will basically demolish Sony's entire year in one month.
  13. Have fun replaying a remake of a 10 year old game and Spiderman Mike Morales. lmfao Cows are just as bad as sheep.
  14. I preferred the first trailer. This one looks like it is more action based and with a Batman that is young and more reckless. Also, I believe they are trying to introduce way too many characters and that usually means failure (Batman's motives, the riddler, Catwoman, Gordon and that other bad guy.
  15. People are still playing L4D. It developed a cult fanbase.
  16. It's more than what I thought, but not bad. I wouldn't pay for it though since I rarely touch the Switch and the whole rom thing is overrated. The only online service I'll be paying and playing is Gamepass Ultimate.
  17. So being a lesbian who fights manky looking trannies with no tits is cool but plainly shooting zombies is woke?
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