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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Atmos is cool but I think soundbars really are the Apple of sound equipment. There is no room to fiddle around with them.
  2. So in short, didn't want to spend too much and wasn't convinced with the limitations of a headset so I just got a pair of cheap Polk T15s. My old receiver still works, the subwoofer still pumps good sound and only one of my five speakers was malfunctioning so I decided to not spend too much to fix the issue. I've read that the Polks are ok, not that good but I want them for surround sound, not main them. If my receiver or subwoofer goes dead, then yeah I'll have to replace the whole thing and won't care about price. Thanks for the suggestions. That 7.1 soundbar option
  3. Already did that. Originally, that faulty speaker was on the left front. I moved it to the surround rear right, and it is still rattling. I did a speaker test, and all of them were fine, except at high frequencies when the subwoofer is also active. So yeah. I mean I have no issues replacing it since this Yamaha system has served me right for a lot of time but I don't know if I should get a good pair of headsets instead.
  4. I rarely use. It's mostly whatsapp, and telegram.
  5. I have a very old Yamaha surround sound system (about 16 years old). A couple of months ago one of my rear surround speakers started crackling at high frequencies. I started looking for a replacement and to my surprise, they don't sell them anymore on that size unless you buy another 5.1 system complete with a receiver (which I don't need). So my only choice are bookshelf speakers, which are too big and hard to mount on my current speaker stands (most bookshelf speakers are beyond 6" high and have no adjustments for mounting) OR buying a pair of headsets with good spatial sound.
  6. I am happy with my Pixel 5, a phone that isn't overly too big, and does everything your iPhone 13 does for less than half the price.
  7. You shouldn't care about rolling off that bed if you have those bodies to break your fall. Get some warm sheets though. It can get a bit too cold down there.
  8. Wait, Nintendo plans to charge you more to play N64 games? Lmfao I am in bitch. Also, can't wait for Metroid Dread.
  9. A power outage? lmfao are you that stupid? Comparing something real with a situation that could last a few days at the most. Cow logic is beyond stupid levels.
  10. Aren't there more PS5 owners than Series XS owners? Then this internet issue would affect them more.
  11. Somewhere in the middle, Abba talks to that hot girl from the show and that part had me fucking rolling on the floor laughing.
  12. Yep, just because of the bed, I am a serial killer.
  13. That's my old Logitech sim. I was getting mid tier chicks with that. Now my Fanatec is getting high tier Scarlett caliber looking alike.
  14. They are all jealous of my racing sim set-up that gets all the bitches.
  15. You want to bring remasters and old ass games? Ok, let's add all the Gamepass games. Cows have been mega raped.
  16. I don't have posters on my room and forget about anything Star Wars related. That is more down Jerry's alley.
  17. And what genre is that? If anything BOTW blatantly copied Skyrim and Skyrim didn't even created a new genre. Skyrim was like the 4th sequel to a series that was like 10 years old. As always, Nintendo is behind the curve.
  18. So RT won't be supported on current gen consoles, but still a console that is not only 1 gen but 2 gens behind reigns supreme? Based on what category are you ruling a system that can't even do 1080p without compromising framerate be the one that "reigns" supreme?
  19. Gotta check that Delray beach club scene although Ft. Lauderdale looks tempting. I am going for that A&B Group Therapy session at The Oasis so I have night to hit the lounges before the big night. My buddy and I are both Hispanic so we can be good anywhere in Miami. I went to South Beach about five years ago and it wasn't that bad. Thanks for the tip though!
  20. I was going to cite you but I couldn't find your username. I am going to look at Club Space then. Didn't know about that lounge thing.
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