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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I am heading over there two weeks from now and I want to know which clubs should I be hitting.
  2. It was supposed to be way more complex like the original Bioshock but instead it turned into a run of the mill shooter with racism as their main controversy. That was enough to set off the alarms from simpletons in the gaming review "industry".
  3. Yep, just before the trip down the woods in the white van.
  4. You would be surprised. The moment any woman sees my racing playseat, it is an instant panties off wet pussy moment.
  5. Terrible, bland and like nails on chalkboard.
  6. Actually, it was Delita that brought racism into this.
  7. That's actually a very smart and logical move. You can never be too sure with today's modern women. They are absolute scumbags.
  8. Bitch lied her way in. She said she went to University of Connecticut, when in fact she never even graduated from High School.
  9. I was looking for something with great sound. Looks like I'll have to rely on my old 5.1.
  10. Girl is missing.- Boyfriend killed her. He is the bad guy. Guy is missing as well- he is running away! Lmfao feminist trash.
  11. Comparing consoles to phones? By that judgement, the PS5 is megaraped.
  12. Gabby Petito's friend says. LMFAO, yeah I bet that is a trustable source. LMFAO feminists.
  13. I didn't even touch the SP portion of BFV. MP was decent but I don't really stick too much with them. Regarding historical accuracy, that ship has sailed. Gamers nowadays care about their lootcrates and XP boosting.
  14. I don't feel. I do. So as a woman, I leave you the task of finding the nearest dumpster I can throw you in after I am done with you.
  15. Cows must be so depraved for exclusive titles that they are shitting themselves at the thought of getting another exclusive. Shame it only lasted like 24 hours.
  16. Yeah, I find that common from feminists. So what's next? Want to meet up and fuck you so hard that you become a normal woman?
  17. You said something even more stupid, when the game already came out on Xbox more than a decade ago. Basically you just jizzed on a timed exclusive. Typical from premature cow.
  18. Do you find amusement in a woman beating up a man? Maybe that's why you cheered up when the woman from the vid hit him but when the roles are inverted, you cry foul like the feminist bitch you are.
  19. I have issues because I reason with facts, not emotions. Gotcha.
  20. I am not speculating on the fact that people called the police because they saw her physically abusing him.
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