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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. First of all, you said it was going to be exclusive, which is not true. Second, you said you were going to play it before us, which is not true again. We played it back in 2004. What now, avoidler?
  2. Ridicule is the typical tactic of the mentally challenged and the mediocre.
  3. 7 million is good for a console that some morons say "has no games". Let's not forget the Gamepass attach rate as well. In before you can have Gamepass without having an Xbox. Its true but most of those numbers are obtained from Xbox owners.
  4. What the fuck do you mean unfortunately. So for you the guy always has to be the bad guy and suffer the consequences no matter what even if the girl is at fault Holy fucking shit. Talk about responsibility for your own actions.
  5. Show me proof that he did what you are saying. If not, keep your cunt shut.
  6. You are basing your conclusion on pure speculation so shut the fuck up, feminist bitch
  7. Another mangina. See? This is why your wife left you.
  8. With very little information, manginas and feminists are jumping to that very same conclusion but I guess good judgement is not a strong suit from people like you.
  9. So in the end, the new PS5 is still warmer, and notice it is not running any technically demanding games yet. TCHBFR
  10. This is what happens when you get into a thread about a dev that you don't know shit about, avoidler. I already know how ass backwards Polyphony Digital is, with the inclusion of features. I know how they start game development, their priorities and how they handle criticism.
  11. From the footage, we can see she was really unstable and trying to distance himself away from her. She was trying to be a YouTuber and he told her she couldn't (based on her emotional instability, he was right). Cops did wrong by letting her drive and getting him in the patrol car.
  12. You've earned yourself that title with your attitude against men trying to defend themselves. If anything, you are the one that behaves like a feminist bitch repeating that word. It is not the first time you have said it and it won't be the last. It's the only thing you have said to try to get some ground over any argument. That tactic of demeaning men to get some validation is typical of a feminist bitch.
  13. You know, you sound like a 3rd wave feminist bitch with every reply of yours.
  14. Don't you have any PS3 remasters to buy again?
  15. Jerry must have been so mega raped that he hasn't even shown up yet.
  16. Now I am tired of all the wires on my bedroom and I want to basically get rid of them and invest on a good pair of gaming headsets indeed.
  17. It means GT7 is not fully utilizing PS5's power. PS5 is looking more and more like PS4 Pro2 than a fully next gen console. We won't see another GT game fully utilizing modern hardware for another 10 years, around the time PS6 will come out.
  18. The issue was no competition. Once Steam presents their new handheld with bluetooth support, Nintendo felt pressured to include that as well.
  19. They are used to half ass everything and their toxic fanbase to get it all in without criticism. That is why GTPlanet is a cesspool of fanboys that will eat up anything that PD shits without questioning and the occasional user who questions their decisions, gets banned.
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