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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Only during replays though. https://wccftech.com/gran-turismo-7-ray-tracing-replays-physics/ It is not what you meant of course, but you'll bs your way in anyways.
  2. What was the reason? Lack of content? If that is, it should be delayed till 2024.
  3. Sounds like you are clueless about good music.
  4. I just started watching him this year and then I saw pink guy and was like "oohhhh that's where it came from".
  5. Remember Filthy Frank, the guy behind pink guy. Now he is a singer and his single "Run" is fucking amazing. For some reason, it wouldn't let me put the video from my phone.
  6. What hypocrisy. I said in the first place that GTS was also always online and that I didn't care. Then ADDHBO brought the OS issue.
  7. You don't have a point, moron. I wasn't the one to bring OS here you stupid fuck. I don't give a shit about OS connectivity but the fact that some dumb cow had to use that as his argument to back-up GT7's always online issue is beyond stupid. And here you are, morons like yourself arguing about something unrelated.
  8. I don't give a fuck about that issue at all. You do.
  9. Vital to who though. If you are always bitching about always online systems, then get yourself a Linux OS. Or else stfu and live your life in the woods, hunting and eating from your garden.
  10. That you are comparing an OS to a videogame for always online purposes.
  11. Am I really outraged though? Read the thread again. I am the one that doesn't care about it since GTS is already always online.
  12. More intrusive? Are you one of those tin foil hat people that acts like everyone is spying on them? Dude, nobody fucking cares about you. This is a website to talk shit about gaming. Who the fuck cares about what your OS is doing to you?
  13. The reason he posted that was because Sony used the "always connected to the internet" as something to be against it then silently added it to the PS4. Unlike Don Mattrick which said it out loud and in front of everyone. It wasn't the boldest move but those were different times (2013). Now everything is literally connected to the internet, your tv, your computer, your phone, even your car.
  14. Are you seriously considering an OS to a videogame though? lmfao ever since you became cow, you turned out to be fucking stupid.
  15. MalaXmaS

    GT7 vs FH5

    If I see no damage again, I will laugh my ass off.
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