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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. MalaXmaS

    GT7 vs FH5

    The GT engine is outdated. I have played games that far demolish its physics engine, like Assetto Corsa Competizione. Graphics wise, FH demolishes it.
  2. Clearly they didn't know what to do. It has the front of the Outback, the sides of the Crosstrek and the back on the new BRZ. It doesn't that personality anymore. If you want to get something good looking and fun to drive from Subaru, I'd recommend the new BRZ.
  3. The WRX is all about drivability and raw performance, never about style and looks. The previous gen to me looked like the outside looks of a Camry mixed with an outdated interior.
  4. Indeed it is ugly. The only WRX that was good looking in my opinion was the 1999 version. This one looks like it borrowed too much from the Crosstrek, especially those ugly ass plastic gray fenders.
  5. So PS5 was not worth buying till it got an Xbox game? Gotcha.
  6. No. I was talking about the movies. I have never played any of the Matrix games. Although Enter the Matrix has its cult following.
  7. When I got my Xbox One back in 2017, it started to have some coil noise issues. The console was perfectly fine but after a few minutes of use, a weird noise would start sounding by the fan area. I called Microsoft support and upon inspecting my serial number, the bastards from Gamestop had given me an Xbox One with an expired warranty. However the lady was nice enough to still let me send them my Xbox FREE OF CHARGE and after a few weeks, I got my Xbox back and worked fine till I traded it for my One X. Back when I got the YLOD with the PS3, and I called Sony, they r
  8. I had an original fat PS2 which got the DRE. Also had a PS3 with the YLOD and later blu-ray drive failure. On a positive note, I didn't have any failures with the PS4. Hardly played it though.
  9. How am I begging? It will be on PC. It was announced by them as well.
  10. It improves on the geometriy but hardly does anything to the lighting.
  11. Actually Jerry replied to me about me downplaying the graphics fidelity of GT7 and saying Forza 8 looked better. He actually said that GT7 was a real racing game because it had actual ray tracing. And then he proceeded to develop his comeback with a sarcastic reply saying that we "should just fast track games with non-next gen graphical features". That's when I mentioned Sonic Colors which is a last gen game with worse quality and glitches on a supposedly next gen system. That's when he lost it and started his shit show.
  12. He will talk shit about racing games too despite him not playing them at all. But at least he owns a PS5.
  13. Lmfao what does topic change have to do here? Do you have trouble following a basic line of quotes? Dude you definitely have ADD.
  14. You posted right after me referring to my post and I quoted you right after yes. Why is it so hard to understand?
  15. You replied right after my post. Dude you are mentally insane.
  16. Zion meant death and rebirth which is why it was separate from the Matrix. Although I found it basic that only one Matrix was found.
  17. But I didn't even quote you on this thread, you did. I don't enter into any threads looking for a specific poster to reply to. Lmfao you have issues.
  18. Aren't you talking about next gen features on racing games? Why would talking about GT 7 be a topic change? Do you suffer from ADD?
  19. That was actually pretty good. And in my opinion all Matrix games were good. First one was awesome.
  20. But Gran Turismo 7 is cross gen. Although you had to mention ray tracing and that is where you further owned yourself Try harder kiddo.
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