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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. You are talking shit about next gen games with next gen features. What do YOU have to show on your system of choice?
  2. Nobody gives a fuck about the UK. Microsoft has had a great year delivering bangers after bangers. Shitstation had nothing and you are basically judging a whole year based on a presentation of games that won't come till next year?
  3. Actually I had the perfect answer for you. Looks like you have nothing else to say.
  4. And it will take 3 more years to release it. Lmfao at still no release date.
  5. I was expecting KR to be younger in the Matrix and the movie to depend heavily on CGI to model him as the young Neo. It is going to be a really tough mission from WB to capture that essence from the first movie, especially back then when people thought the Matrix had some afterlife meaning, but then it's true meaning was told and it quickly lost a meaningful purpose.
  6. So exhaust temps mean shit to you but ram temps do? Wtf? Stupid cows
  7. Weren't you that angsty bitch that wanted a safe space in the forum?
  8. It was a great experience no doubt but I wouldn't double dip and especially on a pos5.
  9. Sometimes, I wonder what it takes for these guys to get into this freaky shit. I imagine they are the like those drug addicts that have tried the most common drugs but want to get it a step higher so they resort to harsher drugs (freaky sex practices). Judging by this, I'd think that guy has seen most kinds of porn on the net.
  10. Woah dude, don't be so harsh on the Switch. I bet that tiny monitor can do 480i on power boost mode.
  11. What the fuck are the weather forecasters for? Or to be more accurate, where the fuck are our local authorities? That's why I keep saying, if you are in CT.
  12. Wait, so you are trying to compare a popular YouTuber to a transgender sexual predator? Lmfao the nerve of these sjws.
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