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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Nobody here is arguing about predicting the future. We are talking about how weather forecasts didn't seem so alarmed about Ida and local authorities didn't take measures either. Unless you live in CT, then stfu.
  2. Hope that you don't have a daughter but if you do, take extra care of her especially when she is around those sick fucks.
  3. ITT cows supporting social media harassment and terrorism. Glad I don't belong to that shitty faction anymore.
  4. Nah. By the end of the day, transgenders are sick fucks, it's just that people are too afraid to voice their opinions. They will keep doing this until something worse happens.
  5. Read the first message from this thread. I don't even know why you keep mentioning New Orleans. Nobody fucking cares but you.
  6. Yes Ida in New Orleans not in Connecticut. Are you really this dense? Wait, if I am too stupid to understand basic weather forecasts, what do you think about local authorities that didn't do anything?
  7. What the duck does that have to do with Ida hitting the Northeast? Or are you trying to steer the topic again? A common tactic of yours once you know you are about to get raped?
  8. Keywords "didn't react". Thank you. That's all I needed to know.
  9. So when do meteorologists stop tracking a storm? Btw, do you live in CT?
  10. Honestly, didn't you think they were going to hide themselves behind this? Oh wait you can't go in to the female's bathroom because you are a guy and you have a penis. Sorry, I was born a man but I feel like a woman insider. Ok mam, you can go in. Wtf?
  11. That still doesn't make sense. So meteorologists see a hurricane's path not directed towards them and say fuck it? I am not even going to bother? Even moreso with such unpredictability of hurricanes, shouldn't they have still warned us? I am telling you. During Henri, they closed down places. For Ida, they didn't give a shit. Face it, both weather newscasters and state officials fucked up.
  12. Ida was much more destructive than Henri. Regarding Henri, most news outlet warned people not go out and even mayor Bronin put the state in emergency mode. Well...nothing happened. Now, with Ida, they didn't say SHIT at all, and it was way worse. It actually flooded NY. My cousin told me he was not able to go to work because train station was literally flooded.
  13. Sony fanboys are as bad as Nintendo fanboys now. Pretty soon they'll start sending death threats to game reviewers.
  14. That would be a valid point if the old PS5 was already being properly cooled, but in reality the PS5 is a loud piece of shit. Now put an equally sized fan with slightly longer blades. That shit is going to be as loud as the PS4 phat. Cows do love to stick behind their flawed pieces of shit eh?
  15. Moron, it still is the same size. In order to properly cool that monster of a console, you would have need a fan the size of the Series X, but nooooo, they decided to cool that ugly as sin monstrosity with a tiny fan. Leave it to Sony "engineers" to fix something.
  16. Told you months ago it was going to be inferior.
  17. A better designed fan? The fan is still the same, moron.
  18. The video that I put shows that the system is running a bit hotter than usual. That is with regular games. Now let's see how it will run with future games. Let's also not forget the SSD expansion slot. I am pretty sure Sony's solution to this is to downclock the chipset.
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