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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. A lot of people are talking about this. It's a matter of wait and see but I am already seeing where this will go
  2. The same Sony engineers behind the DRE and YLOD. Yep.
  3. This will be the same as the RROD. The chip is the same, but with less overhead. Fan is also the same. This console will overheat, unless Sony has also downclocked the chip speed.
  4. In a new video from tech YouTuber Austin Evans (which you can find above), the internals of this new PS5 model were looked over in great detail. Based on what was found with this new version, the console itself is now lighter than the previous one, but the reason for this change can be found with what was inside. When opening up this PS5 and comparing it to the previous version, the heatsink aspects of the new PS5 seem to be slightly different than the original iteration. In a move that was clearly meant to help offset manufacturing costs of the PS5, Sony removed a large portion of the heatsin
  5. I wouldn't spend too much time chatting in the app though. I often throw a few lines and ask for the phone number right away. If I don't get it, I stop talking to them.
  6. I am not looking for anything serious. I passed on the deal because I forgot about it. I'll make a new profile and see if I get more hits.
  7. I've had it for about 3 days and I have 26 profiles liking me. EDIT: Also about that travelling thingy. Yes, I was thinking about using it to set-up some future fwbs in my homecountry when I decide to go back to visit.
  8. Normally I wouldn't pay for anything but today it's 50% off and so I am thinking about getting it. I am not sure though, mostly because sounds like a scam bloated with fake profiles. To be honest, the only thing I would be interested about this feature is too see who is liking you.
  9. Didn't sheep diss the GTA trilogy collection on Swtich because they wanted GTA5 instead? GTA 5 can't even run on Switch, a PS3 game.
  10. This game is incredible. TCHBFR. There is nothing on Shitstation 5 that comes close to this masterpiece.
  11. This game could run on the original Xbox with no problem. Actually, it could run at 720p. 342p? This is less than PS2 resolution.
  12. Sheep did, because they will force themselves to play and like any turd that is exclusive to a Nintendo system.
  13. Bro, I am actually hoping that Metroid game is good too. But NMH was ugh, and I warned them about it.
  14. Holyyyyy shiiiit. TSHBFAR They hyped this trash.
  15. I love the creativity aspects regarding the kind of enemies you fight. This is a game that you really have to look at everything in the levels to see what they meant by putting that object.
  16. Why would THAT be a strong reason to prove something?
  17. Maybe they didn't want to name it because they weren't sure about that game coming to Xbox. But now it's here and it got great reviews.
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