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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. 3 years? You are reaching bro. Just in the past two months we've had great games coming for Xbox.
  2. Are open world games with nice graphics still a new thing for you sheep? I mean, looking at NMH 3, I would understand why but still...
  3. Uhmm no. This year, MS has been delivering. Early with Flight Simulator, then Psychonauts 2 and later Forza Horizon 5.
  4. GOT7 won't come out in 2022 either. It will get delayed to 2023.
  5. I hope it is a better attempt from him. I remember when Don Mattrick signed a deal with Konami to make a game for the 360 and he felt pretty disgruntled. At least now Phil Spencer spoke with him directly and he agreed, then we can have something truly good.
  6. I agree. It looked stunning although I am a bit bummed that it is 30 fps.
  7. Two AA's all of a sudden, 12 minutes and now Psychonauts 2. Let's also not forget MS Flight Sim.
  8. Overall, I give this game a 7. It definitely grips you into the storyline but by the ending, it fall apart. The twist was not bad at all, it's just the way you have to get there.
  9. Ok, SPOILERS AHEAD. I just beat the game and.
  10. Ok, so I've been playing this game today all day long and it is very nice, however some of the game logic is beyond retarded and how things exactly have to be played out for the game to continue.
  11. If I had known, I would have to NY anyways. This is just freaking rain.
  12. Crazy we haven't even started fully next-gen game development aside from some remasters. Once developers start fully utilizing these consoles, we will see a notorious difference between them (it won't be good for the cows).
  13. Yeah, there's a timed mission in every Ace Combat game. On AC7, it was nearly all of them.
  14. -Timed missions -Drones -Weather timed missions -Lack of planes -Multiplayer is mindless vs. -No coop mode from Infinity New engine made the game stutter, and 1080p only.
  15. The problem is transgenders in women's bathrooms and the shitshows that they will create. Would you let a sick fuck get into the same bathroom that your daughters goes in?
  16. I participate in several other spanish speaking forums and they are way more lax with their guidelines. Mainly because I know several of them, and they splintered into their own communities and thus created more forums with equally relaxed rules. However, I've realized that regular english speaking communities are just landmines regarding opinions. With the exception of this one, and is because I also have known you guys for years.
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