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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. My account was fine but I had to step into the CE section and I shattered the extremely fragile lives of several moderators. And tbh, transgenders are sick fucks and they should have their own facilities.
  2. For saying transgenders should have their own bathroom.
  3. I think this is not an issue with game demos being on physical media but rather them existing at all. Some game companies are lazy af, and they'd rather not give you anything at all or give you a free trial that consists of giving you the whole fucking game for you to play for an entire weekend.
  4. I am going chronologically in the series and I just beat Gears 2 today. I found it to be a better game than Gears 1, with a more engaging story mode, better use of weapons, better bosses, better sequences and overall a more creative gameplay experience. I liked the "vehicle" segments like riding a Reaver to Jacinto and making my way to the bottom controlling a Brumak. I already knew about that part with Dom and Maria prior to playing it because it was a huge meme back then but overall I found it a more compelling storyline with each character (at least Marcus and Dom) having a perso
  5. Xbox has plenty of games. Cows: "lol Xbox has no games" Sony gives you nothing for a year but remakes for $70 Cows: "oh lawd Sony milk my tits"
  6. Try Asseto Corsa Competitione. It's the best GT game right now and it follows real competitions like GT4, Blancpain and Euro series.
  7. Uncharted 4 was awful. I still don't understand how did that snorefest get a 10.
  8. Play Killzone 1 HD. Play it on easy on normal. I recommend playing it on hard though. However, the point is to experience the story.
  9. That's good but I am talking about lore and story. Watch this video to understand what I am talking about.
  10. Have you played the original Killzone GD? I am not guaranteeing you emmy winning story but holy shit I feel devs have dropped the ball regarding stories. If you haven't, you just play the orignal Killzone remaster and you'll know what I mean. Hakka is just fucking golden.
  11. Dude, I know. Master Chief is such a rich character that should have been used for the sequel as such as a side meaningful character. Could you imagine Halo 2 having such an open meaning character and plot that people are thinking whether MC is male or female, or white, hispanic, asian? MS drop the ball. Marcus Fenix, we can see his face though and they have some worthwhile characters like Dom, Cole and Bird.
  12. I had a 360 back then but never beat the first one till I got my Xbox One and GeOW1 remastered. Now I am going through GeOW2/ and I can some innovation in gameplay, like going through that worm's internals. And now finding a new kind of enemy, the Sires.
  13. Being a PS fanboy back in the PS3 era, I managed to neglect these series. It's not as story heavy as your typical Kojima game, but it still maintains a cohesive timeline. Now I realize why MS pushes Marcus Fenix as a staple character as Master Chief for the Xbox franchise. Like I said, it's not as story heavy as Snake or let alone Gordon Freeman, but it is something respectable.
  14. I'd say that moments in which I found myself fucking staring at the game and wondering if it was worth my time far outweighed the times in which I actually had fun. It is a very beautiful game but unnecessarily tedious.
  15. I jumped back in after months, or dare I say a year of not touching it. Then I remembered why I stopped playing it. I got stuck in the part in which I have to find Javier Escuella but he is in a Dead or Alive zone in which I can't even trigger the mission. After trying to sneak in, I got surrounded by pinkertons, disposed a good chunk of them but they kept coming in. So I tried to run away but the realism is so stuck up on this "game" that the main character won't even jump or try to climb uphill terrain. Fuck it. Uninstalled this pos. Too slow, too realistic, ver
  16. BFV was trash. BF1 had more personality. BFV felt like it went full on COD and Battle Royale with its stupid Firestorm mode. I hated it from Day 1. Way too fast and reliant on weapons with scopes.
  17. Yeah VR has been an afterthought for Sony. They mostly used it for gimmicky games and demo modes of actual games. GTSport in VR had you playing against 1 AI opponent.
  18. Still will be more fun that Battlefield whatever.
  19. MalaXmaS

    Uh oh

    There is nothing for the cows this year. Meanwhile Lemmings are cruising on High AAA gear.
  20. Oh so personality is just an excuse for shit everything else?
  21. Unless you pay an extra fee. They want to regulate energy so they can charge a premium if you want to go over the limit.
  22. It's not about electronics but rather energy usage and emissions. They started with vehicles and slowly eliminating big output engines. Now they are going against high usage electronics.
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