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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I just wished they would have released an AC game based on the Incan empire before completely killing it off.
  2. Why are all of them dressed like rpg characters?
  3. Typical forgettable Sony trash. Also, I heard it is only like 5 hours long.
  4. Yeah just saw it. It's garbage. A 7" OLED screen with ethernet port. They don't talk about supposed improved battery life or 4k. So it's the same shit as what we have now, except different color and with a different screen.
  5. Yeah, there is always a pattern with the nastiest people on internet forums. Often, they are the ones with the most personal problems.
  6. Want to play the next gen version, you gotta start all over. Sony TCHBFR
  7. Bluepoint is a trash developer. Enjoy your shitty Resogun.
  8. bu bu fuck IGNz ;( Oh wait, did they flop a Series X game? Let's go IGN! But waitz, not when they flop my Nintendo exclusive ;( SHeep
  9. I won't make the same mistake I did back when I updated from Win 8.1 to Win 10. Even though Win 8.1 was not a good OS, having to manually update drives for all my shit was NOT FUN at all.
  10. If you want to go offroad, get an old Jeep, not the new ones. And yes sell it if you will be making more money. You could also consider a Tacoma.
  11. Yes I do believe in time travel but we do it forward not backwards. If you were to go to Italy, you could have taken as ship centuries ago and it would have taken you days. But now, you can take a plane and do it in mere hours. So do you end up time traveling. Same way in a smaller scale with vehicles. You can get to your workplace in minutes, whether before it would have taken you more hours. So yes, time travelling exists, but not in the sense that some people might think about.
  12. That's fucking sexy. Enjoy it.
  13. Keys? You mean Fob? Even then, never lost my fob. I know where I always put it.
  14. Close down the UK. Possibly nuke that shitty place as well.
  15. Looks incredibly generic. It's like your typical 3d PS2 assets era japanese rpg with baked lighting and non destructive static backgrounds.
  16. I was talking about Demon's Souls remaster. Or Mike Morales. In that case $140 + $500 TCHBFO
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