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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Elon is just a front from the US government. Possibly to launder all that drug money into his business endeavors that mostly end up being trash, SpaceX and Tesla.
  2. The animations are much better than Battlefail 2042. https://youtube.com/shorts/epQDixjXMos?si=E3BDlPZ0YwQpl_3t
  3. True. In the last 10 years, we have seen a tremendous move from these LBTQG movements to try to push their rhetoric into everyone's heads. The funniest thing is that even members among the LBTQG movement hate each other.
  4. Well you are right though. I live in the US, a third world country. I mean, look at how half the voters believe in a man with zero business success and the other half believe in a senile man.
  5. Being progressive doesn't mean having a political inclination like how you see it. This thread was moved from the main. I didn't create it here. And as far as you being a progressive, it doesn't mean you have a political opinion, it just means you are absolutely braindead. It's like you are the star of your own movie, "Idiocracy".
  6. I don't feel anything. Growing old just happens. It's not a choice.
  7. Science has no political affiliation. The fact that being born with a vagina makes you a woman, or being born with a dick makes you a man, doesn't make you more republican or less democrat. Are you so tormented that the moment I try to teach you some common sense, you immediately jump on the political bandwagon? But back on topic, we told you ever since this dumb social justice fad came upon, that nature decides your gender from the get-go. Yet you twisted fucks insisted that genderism had little to do with what you were born and more with what you felt like.
  8. Xbox > Shitcube That was no contest
  9. We know who's audience is the most important for Sony. Not the cows.
  10. It never mattered to you people. Wait, are you trying to lecture us things that we already told you all these years?
  11. It's not that the mini discs were a mistake, but rather another consequence of Nintendo being cheap asses since they didn't want to pay for the dvd license. This hurt them in the end for third party support. On paper, the Gamecube was a bit less powerful than the Xbox.
  12. Doesn't surprise me a sick fuck like you that lives his life obsessed over what Kanye does, doesn't even think it's a big issue.
  13. It's so disgusting and pathetic that you guys are already used to it. This is not being a snowflake or being anti speech. I am trying to prevent future child abuse from these evil twisted fucks who control the media industry. It's one thing to make a rated M game and another one to make a hero game full of trans and gay people, aimed at children.
  14. This started way back with the last of Us, staring a gay character and surrounding the story all about her. It got so evidently bad that the actress doing the cameo switched genders. Nowadays, everything has to be gay or full of trangenderism or else they feel excluded. Fuck modern gaming, but most importantly, fuck you Sony. Concord is just absolutely shameful, but the most evil thing is that the experienced gaming community has already rejected this poor excuse of entertainment media which first tries to be transgender propaganda and then a videogame.
  15. Reach was good. Single player was one of the best ones along with Halo CE. ODST was trash though. Couldn't finish that horrible, repetitive and tedious campaign.
  16. Sony, the masters of getting ripped off and passing the debt into their firetards
  17. It's ok. Like Tesla, Meta is also a company funded by the CIA. So, infinite deep pockets.
  18. I thought I was reading "Helldivers 2" at first. Though I know it is a very strong possibility too.
  19. I remember when gaming magazines mattered. That was like back in 2007.
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