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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. It's a different attitude from Matrick's MS which only cared about tv and Kinect.
  2. I swear it's like these big movie directors don't play videogames or at least don't try to follow their source material at all. Nathan Fillion would be the perfect Nathan Drake. They are both named Nathan ffs. But no, let's bring in skinny Peter Parker.
  3. They are very technical and incredibly hard to master fighting games. These are not your typical run of the mill fighters. Literally you have to execute these moves within the required frames. I tried playing VF4 back in the ps2 era and ended up breaking one controller trying to do one simple combo with Akira.
  4. It is amazing the amount of improvement this console is doing to last gen games. Not only bumping the resolution, but also performance, framerates and even adding a few more visual effects. I just can't believe how smooth WRC 9 is in the Series X. My wheel also feels better. The force feedback is way more detailed and immersive than my experience on One X. Here, a short shitty Twitter clip of what the Series X is allowing me to do with my driving, improve it dramatically.
  5. Is this based from parts of Uncharted 3? Because there is no way Nathan is this fucking young in most of the games. And Sully as Mark Wahlberg?
  6. MalaXmaS


    Already have gamepass.
  7. MalaXmaS


    You have to pay $60 again to play the same game on PS5.
  8. Yeah I know, I just downloaded it yesterday.
  9. Doesn't make sense to make a fully next-gen Battlefield while ignoring your meat of the sales. I only hope that current gen versions are not downgraded too much. At least give us three versions, stock ps4, xbox one, ps4 pro/xbox one x and next gen. If not, what was the fucking point of doing mid-gen refreshes. Because if they don't this will hurt the next mid-gen refresh and I can guarantee both of them will do them again.
  10. Is UHD even worth it? Just trying to hook up an external monitor to my surface.
  11. I thought Sony was opting out of E3 this year. Whatever it is, they won't have anything new to show. Just trailers to some games that aren't even in development and will come 4 years from now, and a slew of shitty remasters. MS will show Halo, some Forza 8 content, and other things. Nintendo really has nothing to show, except maybe from Super Switch.
  12. Fuck Sony and the PS5. Series X INTENSIFIES
  13. I have the One X. I am all set.
  14. That baseball game created huge ripples inside very Sony fanboy's tiny balls. Sunset Overdrive is really nothing. It was a huge flop back then, it still is now.
  15. I never visited that place. That fat fuck Gerstman was an attention whore that loved every bit of attention he got, whether it was positive or negative.
  16. Holy crap. There was just a restock at Costco, and it's gone!
  17. My dumbass went to the store thinking that they might actually be carrying them instore and then buy them. I even went 5 minutes before the store could open at Best Buy but they told me everything is done online.
  18. My village? Wtf are you on, you racist piece of shit. @AlphonseDo your thing. Dispose of him.
  19. Looks like she used you for her free meal and then went back to chad to get fucked that night. Most women are flakes anyways. My advice? Don't contact her ever again. Move on and date another girl. Maybe you were desperate for a relationship and she could smell that from you.
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