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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. TBH, I never touched BFV's campaign.
  2. I know you made this post on Friday, but just to let you know...there won't be a campaign for BF6.
  3. Bullethell game? Nope. Shit game design.
  4. My Pixel 5 asked me this last week. Now the app only tracks me when I have it open.
  5. If you liked the game, you deserve yourself to beat it.
  6. A 2 hour cutscene? Really Kojima? GTFO
  7. Always painted Scorpion as the bad guy, but now this paints a very different perspective between the Scorpion-Subzero feud.
  8. I am pretty sure this is just another example of silly Soyny fanboys getting bitter that another exclusive is on Xbox.
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