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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I have to get a new physical sim card and the old one is not compatible with my new Pixel 5. This is bs. eSim is supposed to be future of activation but Sprint wouldn't even let me do it.
  2. Sony is doing what Nintendo did years ago with the Switch and 3ds at release.
  3. Thinking about getting the ROG Phone 3.
  4. Yep. If they don't do that after closing the PS3 and Vita store, I am never buying a PS product ever again.
  5. Society allows them to be trashy and still have standards. Though in reality she will only attract low value men. Men with their minds focused, a good job, a house and savings won't even give women like her the time of the day. She is damaged goods now. Trashy manginas like Chimps will probably date them.
  6. If MS finances his game then a good percentage of those sales go to MS. Put the game on more consoles, more money to MS. Cow logic is still stuck in the golden ps2 era.
  7. Looking forward to this. I was a Kojima doubter with Death Stranding but once I played it. TCHBFR though
  8. People still haven't played GTAV?
  9. Sony from the ps2 era owned. They never repeated that success. Ps3's era Sony looked like they tried at least. Ps4 and onward were just shit.
  10. Games like these don't come often and are bashed most of the time by immature reviewers (fuck Gertsmann). The game had a great narrative and although gameplay wise, it was flawed, the story and characters actually gave me a reason to finish it. Kane & Lynch reminded me of Spec Ops The Line, another amazing game.
  11. Tbh, both Death Stranding and Ghosy of Tsushima were great. The others, not so much.
  12. I already platinumed ME1 on PS3 and it was amazing yes, but I wouldn't pay again for minor changes, especially to do all that tedious shit like the planet scanning and metal mining.
  13. People hype Ratshit games?
  14. Imagine releasing a new console and having nothing to show.
  15. Origins looks big too so far. Very realisticly placed with huge straights of sand, like it should be.
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