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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. lmfao at cowshits getting triggered whenever someone is enjoying a superior multiplat on Xbox.
  2. Does working out while listening to DMX leaves you gasping for air?
  3. Was never a fan of the series but re-tried the first one. It was too clunky but saw its potential. Saw videos of both Origins and Odyssey. I liked Odyssey more for its mythology but so far Origins plays well. Love the fact that you learn a bit history when playing these games.
  4. I just got the Assassin's Creed antiquity pack which comes bundled with both Origins and Odyssey for $25. I couldn't pass this up as I had been checking reviews to which one was better. People say Origins has a better story and cohesion but I personally have always loved the ancient Greek mythology. So seeing as both were on sale, I decided to get this pack.
  5. It's on sale but I've seen videos of it and it looks like a really basic arcade game. Try WRC 9 Remij even if you don't have a handbrake. @Remij It is that good.
  6. I see you have become a fan of Abba & Preach.
  7. Tell her you already don't consider her a real woman.
  8. I played the pokemon girl.
  9. There is no gore. Just a video of the guy being carjacked, the sound of crashing and two girls being "rescued" from the vehicle as one of them was more worried about her cellphone being inside the car while the guy remained lifeless on the curve.
  10. I see bodycunt just started watching InitialD and now he thinks he is a racing wizz.
  11. Doesnt it use a usb-C cable. At least it is not propietary.
  12. MalaXmaS

    Outlast 2

    It's more like shock value than anything.
  13. He can say he felt like a woman in that moment and she is done. Case dismissed.
  14. No he didn't throw anything at her. He went to her complaining that she couldn't stop listening to that music instead of doing what she is supposed to do. Then about 5 slaps later from her, he hits her back once and she gets a bloody nose. If you ask me, she started it. lmfao at all the whiteknights.
  15. Again, she hit him first, and not only once but three times, till she got hit back.
  16. They want equality and hit first but cry when they are hit back.
  17. If devs release a game that has an icon for an extra mission that is locked, how would you think of that? That it is ready to the consumer or that it is still in development and testing phase? That's exactly what happened to the PS5's ram expansion. Similar to the N64 Expansion Pak, except things back then were much more simpler and didn't generate that much heat. But this will, and it will need a bigger fan, or possibly two. I'll wait for the redesign. I can guarantee you the PSfive Slim will come smaller (obviously) and with a bigger fan.
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