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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. You only need a handful to test that feature so that comment doesnt apply. Still we are 1st quarter 2021, plenty of SSDs around and that feature is still locked. Your argument just went out of the window.
  2. If they had already tested it, why not leave it unlocked from Day 1? Why leave it locked till later? Seems like they released the system in the middle of testing phase. That's more like it. Even more so to have no expansion product available AND firmware still prevented that slot from being functional. Also, couple that issue with the fact that the ram inside the ps5 heats up really fast and some of its components is not resting near the heatsink. That will create some warping issues that will force some x-clamp solutions.
  3. Also, wouldn't it make sense to do thr testing phase before the mass manufacturing phase? Sony fucked up big time. They rushed the system.
  4. However that spot is not functional yet. Which is why if you try to put a ssd there right now, it won't work. Sony already knew this so later this summer, they know people will experiment with different brand ssds so thats why that firmware will boost the fans on top of activating that slot. It will make that ps5 loud as fuck. What about future games with more and high res textures running at double the rate? Instant system meltdown without the cooling boost and really high temps and annoyingly loud fans with the cooling boost on. System is a
  5. I'll ask you a simple question Jerry. What generates more heat? One SSD or two SSDs?
  6. So why not use those instead? Firmware locks?
  7. You said that the PS5 can't handle faster SSDs without catching fire. I made this thread to explain it is not only a hardware problem but also logistics. Sony overhyped the PS5 in paper and the actual thing won't be able to meet such demands unless a total redesign is made. The current PS5 is useless. It will probably overheat trying to run games with fast loading high res textures. It is either that or not take advantage of SSDs at all.
  8. The reason Sony had that expansion port locked was because the technology to cool such fast SSDs is not there yet, even with desktop PCs. You can put a Gen 4 NVME SSD in a big tower PC with really good cooling but that would mean making the unit even bigger. TCHBFR Sony hyped SSD gaming but it won't fully deliver it due to tech limitations. Bottom line; Sony will have to lower their expectations with slower loading times in their games. That or expect lots of PS5s literally melting.
  9. Yeah and like I've said before, upgrading SSDs is not a new trend. Sony fucked up.
  10. Yeah and its not like you can upgrade SSDs in a PC right? Admit it, ps5 is a pos. No way to add external storage, cant upgrade internals without upgrading firmware as it currently doesn't produce enough cooling. That shit will be loud as fuck.
  11. Should have made it with a history and gameplay wise like Full Spectrum Warrior.
  12. Reminds me of people who bought Zelda BotW twice, once for WiiU and then again for Switch.
  13. Not all phones feel the same, like build quality and response times. There's a reason why such things like the Samsung A10 and S21 exist.
  14. What part of having a feel don't you understand?
  15. I buy everything online. How the fuck am I going to get a feel for a phone?
  16. I said I went there to have a feel for these phones and see if they are too big or small for me. Are you always this fucking retarded?
  17. And I've heard the disc drive is super loud which makes sense to go full digital. Hell, about 5% of my Xbox One collection are physical discs. I am used to buying digital, even on releasing day. Nothing compares to just turning on the machine and booting up the game. People say you are never too sure with online games as they might take them off the store and drop online functionality but you can't do much with a disc if the game needs a day 1 patch.
  18. Till now. Just beat it. Great game, even though it deviated from the classic Splinter Cell formula of full sneaking around enemies. Conviction forced you to confront enemies with the mark & execute system and it worked really well. I remember back then when this game came out and Splinter Cell purists complaining about not being able to hide bodies. Well that's because you really didn't need to. The game was all about sneaking around enemies, mark and execute and move on.
  19. I could understand if the system had top of the line specs but it's already fucking outdated by a good 2 years.
  20. Yesterday, I went to Best Buy just to take a look at how cellphones look upclose so I can see if some of my choices were too big or too small and also check out their build quality. Anyways, passing around the gaming section I saw it; that huge monstrosity enclosed in a bubble. Holy shit that thing is huge. Definitely will wait for a redesign.
  21. You can't chose which version to update. You have to install both and THEN delete the one you don't need. lmfao POS5
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