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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. A loud piece of shit like the PS4. And knowing Sony's recrod, it won't have shit for at least 2 years.
  2. Forget about it. This phone is busted. No front camera. Essentially the screen is hanging with scotch tape.
  3. I was planning to get a phone but the stimulus gave me a bit of more freedom on my choice. Initially I was thinking a cheap phone that would do the job like the Pixel 4a, but then I realized this wouldn't be a good move in the long run. So now that I got extra money to play around, I thought about the Galaxy S20 (people say it is superior to the S21). However, I don't know which version to get. I have been a Sprint customer for about 10 years and now that they went belly up and are part of T-Mobile, I couldn't the same modality to get a phone. Meaning I have to pay the
  4. But Jerry is pretty much harmless. Dude shits himself everytime anyone disagrees with him.
  5. Are they still doing this shit?
  6. Please tell me that's not you.
  7. Like the soup. However that drink, wtf is that?
  8. Which is true also but also has nothing to do with this topic. What are you trying to prove here? That you are a big ass simp? Ok, good for you.
  9. I don't give a shit. Whatever. Do what you want. I am not here to convince you otherwise.
  10. Dude you are so insecure and pushy that everytime someone says something you don't like, you have the need to post big ass paragraphs about something nobody requested.
  11. Lmfao show me where in my post I am trying to lecture you, you insufferable little bitch. You are so fucking extra.
  12. I love women but hate third wave feminism.
  13. It's a copy of Psi-Ops but with a female main protagonist to please the feminist crowd. Hard pass.
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