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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. This is real

    Posted Image

    Spicoli and his imaginary life can't do shit because he's a liar and a gigantic PUSSY

    Again, that's some seriously weak evidence..

    Sent from your mama's house using my dick.

    Confirming to meet with someone I already know within a specific timeframe is not illegal and nor does it affect the privacy of the escort's client. It's a simple yes or no question in which she responded with a no, while Spicoli has yet to show any evidence at all other then running away, throwing racist remarks and threatening me. In the end I win, so done deal.
  2. So in the end he resorts to racism (he can't even get the right race either) and empty threats, all signs leading to a fat virgin sitting behind his little monitor like a gigantic PUSSY :lul:

    i know you're part arab and muslim. that's enough for me. But you instigated this whole thing.. remember that. You should mind your own business.

    Enjoy your ban, virgin crybaby.

    I don't even give a shit if I get banned... honestly.. GAF is my new home.. No assholes like this place.

    Of course you'd be crying, I'd be too if I got called out for lies, proven and humiliated, and have nothing to retaliate with other then racism (still can't get the race right) and empty threats. Get out of my sight pussy, you're not even worth the time.
  3. Oh I won't be coming.. But don't be surprised if you see a car following you around soon. Then a couple big white dudes are gonna walk up to you and ask if your online sw name is sk. and you gonna run like a bitch.. lmao.. there's no running

    Empty threats are meaningless to me, tell your buddies to come and I'll be waiting at the Eastern park today, they'll know where it is. It's been a while since I last kicked a white boys ass for running his mouth in front of me, this should be great, I'll have Orion watch and record it too.
  4. Spicoli spewing more lies from his dirty mouth once again with nothing to back up with :laff: This virgin actually thinks he can convince people after being caught LYING numerous times. Lol this no life nerd thinking he's worth anything, even befrag has more intelligence when he's drunk then this sack of shit :tom: Running away for an entire week like a pussy, expect no less from pathological liars full of shit.

    Lol, I was actually kind of looking forward to her call. I was going to start a new thread. Showing your cell phone number first. And then your street address... Then it's just a matter of finding you physically which wouldn't be that hard. Not me personally but you know what I'm saying.

    Blah blah blah we already knew your excuses beforehand when you ran away for a week like a pussy. I gave you my address, shouldn't be hard to come at me. Come spicoli shouldn't be too hard for you, I leave back to work on Tuesday, so I'll be waiting, PUSSY.
  5. you had like a full week and that was all you could come up with :|

    I was looking up reverse cell phone look up on the same day. The second she called I was getting the number he texted from.

    Then post his number to confirm. If you wont post it in full post the middle letter in the first 3 digits and then two from the final 4, and include the entire area code. If you do not, you face undeniable rape. If you do, you may be redeemed.

    Hey idiot.. get some sleep? If she would have called me back to complain, I would have asked her which number had texted her.. She did not call me to complain so therefore I do not have have the number.

    Seriously dude are you a retard?

    Ya, when I saw that he texted her, I started looking for cell phone reverse lookup services online and had my credit card out. If and when she called, I would have asked for the number and checked the shit out. I know which city he's in but just had to pinpoint the location.

    3291 Wascana Ridge, come at me pussy you can't do shit.
  6. Spicoli spewing more lies from his dirty mouth once again with nothing to back up with :laff: This virgin actually thinks he can convince people after being caught LYING numerous times. Lol this no life nerd thinking he's worth anything, even befrag has more intelligence when he's drunk then this sack of shit :tom: Running away for an entire week like a pussy, expect no less from pathological liars full of shit.

  7. I played some DD. Went on a path away from the main mission. There was a giant boulder that almost killed me. Fought some bandits and got demolished by this one that had armor and a shield :ben:

    Lmao yeah, bandits are overwhelming in the beginning when I was playing as a strider. I got a mage pawn as my primary pawn so he can enchant weapons and shi, makes the game a lot easier. Fire, Holy and Darkness are the only ones you should focus on for the Mage as well as healing magic. Be sure to buy a lot of grass and mushrooms :ben:
  8. FFXIII-2 is boring.

    It's the same mindless combat and upgrade systems from FFXIII except now you have to fill your third character slot with monsters who act like a regular character but they require more menu management. Thrills a minute.

    The two leads have no charisma. The girl's ridiculous. She's the non-threatening mail-order bride type.

    The time travel plot is putting me to sleep.

    I'm official done with games for awhile. :sam:

    can you please play Portal before you quit gaming entirely. I know I've recommended it many times, but it's something you need to play before you retire.

    He wont' play it until you play TP. :face:
  9. So am I screwed or what? I found some ballistics around the corner and took him down to half his health and then he destroyed them all :ben: Time to read up some faqs, this is getting ridiculous :ben:

    Looks like Im going ranger. :tard:

    Mystic Knight is so much more fun, he's everything but a rogue/archer. Plus whenever a pawn goes down I can revive them back to full health so I don't have to worry about giving them potions and shit.
  10. Took that bitch down :smoke: Didn't know his weakness was darkness and he's highly resistant to holy (which I've been using to enchant my weapon). I stategically used those ballistas whenever my enchantment ran out so I shot an explosive on his heart and he fell down giving me time re-enchant and fuck him :smoke: Epic fucking battle, nuff said. But fuck that was mind nerving the whole way because I had no potions and could only rely on my mage to heal whatever it could, dodging his attacks made my balls drop each time, first time in the game my big ass shield came in handy too. Dat final boss music, this is how you do an epic final battle :bow:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MdRnvad4rg

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