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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Well you're wrong on all accounts, but even if true it's still better then sucking dick to impress other fags.
  2. Dude takes SW pretty seriously, I mean if he didn't give a fuck he would have been back yesterday/stayed the full way to get flamed like crazy. That usually happens to pathological liars. Either way the damage has been done, and we can laugh and point
  3. I doubt an escort is smart to distinguish a friend asking to only CONFIRM it as a way to steal someones identity nor is it illegal to ask, why even have this argument? This also correlates to the fact that this shithead ran away the second I said I'd call her.
  4. He's always lying, but it was about time to put this racist shithead in his place,
  5. Damn that was an epic battle with the griffin in the tower with all that lightning going Lmao during the sidequests in the beginning I brought back this dudes book then he showed up during the fight and learned some secret art from the book and helped me roast the griffin, this game.
  6. _ also SK when u get bag to regina, hit me up Ima buy some beers for you I'm back for the week This coming Friday we goin get shit down
  7. Wish he was back, even though he lied about literally everything he was still a nice dude, and he'd get a kick from this thread too lmfao
  8. in before some story about client confidentiality or something about not having worn fuzzy boots Lol she flat out says she hasn't seen anyone within the timeframe, there's really no damage controlling this. If he does however, I'll link her to this page and it'll be all over regardless.
  9. Should I tell her to check this thread as well to further embarass this lying piece of shit?
  10. I'll call right now just for the lolz, where's the number at, I'll record the convo too.
  11. People still haven't realized spicoli is a pathological liar? http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif
  12. Not yet, trying to find the chancellor dude to do some missions but can't find him. Finding the letter sidequest was awesome too, going into that harpy cave, then finding the letter, then when you're returning it you can either give it to the rogue knight completely fucking over the other dude OR go to the Black Cat and make a duplicate thus making twice the profit
  13. I haven't done any escort missions nor do I plan to I did this sidequest called the Conspirators and it was really interesting where it was leading to then at the end there's a little cutscene ending with you deciding the crazy monks fate, and I read it indeed does affect the main game later on if you kill him.
  14. Lol they're better then most games, its just the main quests kind of suck. But it really looks like most of their resources went into the gameplay and not enough on everything else. Mike get it when it drops to like $20-30, the game is a huge time investment and if you stop playing for some reason you'll hate yourself lol
  15. Yeah that game does that to people, I remember playing that shit when I had finals coming up The more I play Dragon's Dogma the more I like it. The side quests are actually really interesting and have their own little story lines. Some sidequests take you to crazy new areas with some good loot. The combat is the best for an open world RPG. While your pawns are holding down a big ass Cyclop's legs it can't move and tries to struggle giving you time to quickly climb to it's head and bash the fuck out of it's eye and send it flyig down so your pawns can bukkake it and even break it's tusk (opti
  16. Welcome to many nights of playing nonstop then watching the sun rise up without even realizing it.
  17. PSO2 has me interested. Damn I still gotta find time for Dragon's Dogma and Devil Survivor 2, and still gotta pick up Theatrhythm and soon Kingdom Hearts, then at the end of the month the playable copy of The Last Story ;(
  18. Thankfully the game starts to roll after that, but it's sad to see most people quit it because they think the rest of the game is like that as well when it's actually the complete opposite.
  19. You haven't played it? :noway Game kinda drags for the first 3 dungeons, but honestly it's not even that bad now.
  20. how do you kill the respawning enemies as the wolf? Hold the attack button and kill them all in one strike.
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