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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. UC1 I liked it better then 2 as well. UC3 is fucking godly though, probably my favourite in the series.
  2. Youre already more than halfway through the game and you're near the mark where it starts to get really good I'd recommend you keep playing.
  3. I know what you mean breh, I get maybe 2-3 hours of free time nowadays and even that's pushing it :(
  4. Amazing game, glad some people here are actually playing it unlike some people who ignored it when it first came out. You should The World Ends With You and Devil Survivor next
  5. do you really have comcast? We don't have Comcast in Canada. bell then? or the other one? Rogers. Fucking crooks.
  6. Never mind, I though you wanted a place where people play online most
  7. SL 60 or 120, go to Kiln, Painted World, or Anor Londo Do the bottomless box glitch so you don't have to get your items all over again in a new game so you can just focus on building your character as you want.
  8. Spoiler radvoid or w/e his name is gouges out phillipas eyes out in the prison, that was pretty fucked. Well I guess that happens before choosing to save triss or not Also all those mages getting tortured and beheaded
  9. Iorveth's part in Ch 3 is even more fucked up if you dont choose Triss
  10. Beat the game finally clocked in around 29 hours with most side quests done, damn there was some brutal shit going on near the end. Ending was all right I guess, well worth the $17.
  11. I guess when they said an increase in performance they actually meant fucking up the engine
  12. Yeah I noticed the lighting was fucked up (especially on the grass) and there's a ton of texture pop-in that I didn't notice before. You get used to it but it does hurt the immersion.
  13. Once you get the mutagen 10% skill, I highly recommend putting the rest in the swordsman skill and the top skill. You can override the config file in documents and map it to something. and rotating mini-maps are the worst
  14. Did you invest a point in the dodge skill? You pretty much roll across the map roff. It's also a lot easier to play with a controller IMO.
  15. Finished Ch 2 last night with Iorveth, god damn that was one epic battle at the end, Iorveth os such a BOSS Ch 3 looks gorgeous
  16. It was easy as hell, just dodge his attacks when he has that shield on then use the aard sign to stagger him and attack him 4 times then dodge and rinse and repeat. The Kayran pissed me off though, those fucking QTE's were so tiny and random.
  17. I liked the boss fight with the Vandergilft or w/e you spell it as in Ch 2, but way too easy. Wanted to play in Dark mode because you get 3 different sets of armor, gloves, trousers, trophies and swords you cant find in hard and lower difficulties.
  18. Is there a way to increase your luggage capacity? 300 is way to small, I might just use a mod to increase it to 500, I'm always off loading things then all of a sudden they become important because they might be needed for a special armor or weapon
  19. Make sure you guys invest 3 points in the alchemy skill tree (one in the bomb damage and 2 in the mutagen). It's the best way to get the "Greater" mutagens to put in the skill tree.
  20. They're in the forest attached to trees look like green piranha heads from Mario, hit it with fire magic. Anywhere there are endragas theyll be near. Beware though a big ass endraga comes out and can 2 hit kill you, lay lots of traps
  21. Either go with Roche or Iorveth. I chose Iorveth, Roche is an asshole.
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