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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. i tried playing xenogears this past winter and just stopped when after 25 hours not much was getting accomplished. apparently its semi-notorious for its slow 20hr start. i dont know why it never hit me that these are the same guys that made xenosaga but yeah story/dialogue segments were pretty long even by the genre's standards. i actually would have stayed with it because i already invested so much time into it, but i just decided to start playing some current gen games.

    Youre already more than halfway through the game and you're near the mark where it starts to get really good I'd recommend you keep playing.
  2. Beat Witcher 2, was fun.

    I would give any amount of money for that arena mini-game in Dark Souls. ;(

    SL 60 or 120, go to Kiln, Painted World, or Anor Londo :smugd: Do the bottomless box glitch so you don't have to get your items all over again in a new game so you can just focus on building your character as you want.
  3. I really need to invest in a wired 360 controller/wireless adapter for PC. :(

    Put my early points in the Alchemy tree to pick up the 10% chance of discovering a mutagen on potion craft or something like that, and the other points in Riposte. I have some points in whatever is in the top of the tree, not sure if I allocated those myself last year when I played or if those get spent there by default. Not sure why I would spend a point on deflecting arrows.

    Once you get the mutagen 10% skill, I highly recommend putting the rest in the swordsman skill and the top skill.

    Wish you could assign select to something ;(

    You can override the config file in documents and map it to something.

    and rotating mini-maps are the worst :puke:

  4. i find these sidequests to be really annoying, especially since a lot of them aren't even marked on the map.

    been wandering around aimlessly for an hour looking for endrega cocoons :rage:

    They're in the forest attached to trees look like green piranha heads from Mario, hit it with fire magic. Anywhere there are endragas theyll be near. Beware though a big ass endraga comes out and can 2 hit kill you, lay lots of traps :ben:
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