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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. There are so many things Witcher 2 does right that I usually don't like doing in RPG's (especially, ESPECIALLY fetch quests and boring quests). The side quests are fucking incredible and are actually meaningful even though it doesn't impact the main game, they're still deep and very interesting. There was this elf girl who's being harassed by guards because they think she's a spy even though they have no evidence. You either sell her off to Loredo or help her out. If you help her out a crazy twist happens, I didn't even see it coming :ben:

  2. What I absolutely love is the atmosphere. It's hard to explain, but the fantasy setting has a sense of realism to it, if that makes sense. certain areas actually feel dirty and old. The elves look just like regular people, just with pointy ears. None of that Disney shit. I loved how the first city I visited, when leaving the boat, had public executions right when I got there. I can't wait to get home later to play more.

    Lmao wait til the intro for Ch 2, shit is CRAAZYYY
  3. Wow all I can is the EE of W2 really really made the game leagues better. I remember when it first came it out I couldn't get into it at all while I was still in my ME phase, now it's the complete opposite. Game is absolutely incredible :bow: But I just lost 2 hours of progress from doing side quests because I died in the forest, STUPID AUTO SAVING SYSTEM, FUUUCKk. That merchant fag blind folds me and holds me in a cell, I get out then get attacked by these fucking lizard plant things and get my ass whooped ;(

  4. Is it safe to say TW2 is the best looking game this gen? The combat seems so much more fluid now and runs much better for me as well.

    Definitely, I think they improved some of the graphics as well. Combat is actually functional now too, game is mad fun. It's running at 45-60 FPS for me on Ultra (no uber or AA) on a single 5850. Though the walking and running feels a little choppy to me, I might just cap the game at 30 FPS with all the goodies. How's it running for you?
  5. I played a few hours of Pandora's Tower. It made a good first impression mainly due to the atmosphere (subdued horror with a melancholy mood), setting (the tower the game's set in), and a sinister merchant/guide who has fantastic voice acting.

    But then the combat starts to become more and more monotonous, which makes the RPG busy work tedious, and it starts to fall apart. There's just not enough to the combat.

    That's what I was afraid of regarding the combat, I could see from the gameplay vid's. Might give it a shot later though since apparently the puzzles in the game are very well done.
  6. I finished mass effect 2. Everyone was loyal, except for Miranda, yet she survived, while I lost jack and tali. I don't care about tali, but jack :(

    Use Legion/Tali for the vents, Garrus/Grunt for 1st fire squad, Samara for the energy shield, Mordin for the crew escort, 2nd fire squad should be Grunt/Miranda. Final boss squad should be all loyal and strong (like Zaeed, Tali or Garrus).
  7. Interested in playing Dark Souls. Should I play Demon's Souls first, since I hear that they will be shutting down their servers next month? Or should I simply forget about it and play Dark Souls instead?

    Play both, they're both unique in their own way. Personally I enjoyed DaS overall more but only because of the pseudo-open world design. Though DeS has a much darker and depressing atmosphere and has the best level this gen (Tower of Latria :bow: ).
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