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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. Started up Demon's Souls again.I got cursed or something in 1-1, I permanently lost 20% of my healthy :ben: Got it back after I defeated the Phalanx boss. What was that?

    When you die you lose 1/2 your HP and the only way to get it back is become alive by helping someone out, invading or defeating a boss.

    Look at the video I posted in the previous page and get all the items ASAP :tard:

  2. Ey, -GD- ! How's it going with Demon's Souls?

    i couldn't get into it the first time i played it. however, i will continue when i'm in the right mood for it.

    Lol it was like that for me on my first time. I beat the first level then didn't feel like playing for about 3 months then one day I randomly started it up again and it just clicked, before I knew it I was hooked, lost lots of sleep the next few days :killzone: The whole game is dark and depressing, btw watch this video which shows a bunch of hidden items you can get at the beginning to get a head start

    Use this site to get more info of virtually everything in the game http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/

    Also try to use summons as much as possible.

  3. On chapter 14 in Kid Icarus, this game is a lot of ridiculous fun and pure insanity. Some stages look absolutely gorgeous especially the space and ocean storm level, and the 3D is simply amazing :jerkit: IMO it's the best implemented so far. Clocked in around 8 hours and there's still 11 more chapters to go, this is a long game. I think anyone who has a 3DS should get this asap, its one of the most unique games out so far. The VA is pretty good too compared to most games and the dialogue itself is on the same level as Super Paper Mario, humerous and doesn't take itself seriously with a few references to old school gaming while still being awesome. Overall I think a lot of people who dont care much about this will be really surprised by the production quality and presentation as they are top notch, moreso than most Nintendo games. The amount of features and options, there's way too much for a game like this, though thats expected from Sakurai. This is definitely the killer app for the 3DS, more then Mario 3D Land and Revelations. My only gripe so far is that initial reactions to the controls on land will turn a lot of people off so you'll have to adjust them to feel right. It'll take a few stages for it to feel natural or you can practice in the training room, but once you feel comfortable with the controls the game is just too much fun. Another problem I'm seeing now is that some levels have alternate paths that depends on which level of difficulty you're playing while many levels don't, so it kind of kills the replayability of some levels. The pacing of the levels is perfect; each portion of the chapters never feels too drawn out or too short, each chapter always concludes in a satisfying way with a boss fight (which are very easy). During the levels there's always constant dialogue to keep you entertained throughout. The mech and orbiter controls are fine, but the main land vehicle control is garbage, feels very clunky (though only 2 stages so far used them), thank god it's optional since you'll make more progress on foot then trying to fight with vehicle controls and falling off the ledge. And dat music:smoke:

  4. Nice review sk. I think target has a buy 2 get 1 free deal this week. I may rayman vita, kid Icarus, and Mario kart 3d.

    Youre gonna enjoy the game a lot, especially if you're used to touchscreen shooters you'll adjust to the controls quickly after tweaking the settings a bit. Later stages just look incredible and I've clocked in 6 hours and only on chapter 11 (25 chapters in total) :tard: The game is really fleshed out in terms of content, definitely worth the price. Btw I'd get something else besides MK3D :ben:
  5. Been playing Kid Icarus for a while now. The game is just intense as hell with so much shit going on, sometimes a little too hectic that you don't even know what's going on. The ground controls have a medium learning curve, at first i had trouble adjusting to it but now it flows well together after changing the camera setting to the highest for making quick turns. The MP is surprisingly pretty fun and you win weapons that you can use in the SP as well as money. There's a lot of customizing, fusing, and tonnes of weapons, there's around 10 classes of weapons I think with each having even more differen variants, even if you have the same weapon it will have different bonuses and such. They're all unique in their own way as well. You can also try out a weapon right away as a test run to see if you like it too. I like how each level has extra routes and alternative paths depending on which difficulty you're on. The on-rails sections on Intensity 6 is just hectic, I dont even know how 9 would be :scared: You can either spend hearts/money to lower the difficulty or you can bet a certain amount as you increase the difficulty, gives a nice incentive to replay levels since you get better rewards and more areas are unlocked and possibly completely different paths in that level. It's just as crazy as Sin and Punishment 2. I havent tried playing with the stand that came with the game, I was playing perfectly fine on full 3D. Though with the position I was playing at my wrist was starting to get sore after playing for 3 hours straight. The graphics are really good too, i see a lot of nice shader effects and even with all mayhem going on the game still runs at 60 FPS most of the time with the 3D on max (which looks really good, there were parts where the lasers looked as though they were coming out of the screen). Those were just my initial thoughts on the game, basically if you want something unique for the 3DS this is it, there's a lot of content and the MP feels fresh and fun, not to mention the music :bow:

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