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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Lmfao the first boss killed me in one hit and I barely have any ammo The tension and atmosphere in this game is just insane and the 3D helps making it a much more immersive experience I actually feel scared
  2. it does! also, the game gets sooo good later into it. i'm on episode 5 now. 4 had a sick and creepy conclusion. it's like the atmosphere is mixed with oldschool re and silent hill. it's unfortunate though, that the dialog is pretty awful in spots and that there are few annoying characters. fortunately, they are minor flaws, since it seems like the ship takes center stage. oh...wait til you see "the city" cut scene. i won't say what it is. however, the 3d and overall sequence was insane. you'll know what part i'm talking about once you get there. Damn nice Can't wait to play more, damn schoo
  3. Finished the first chapter in Revelations The 3D seriously adds a lot to the immersion and atmosphere.
  4. Not every game needs to be a thrill ride like Uncharted.
  5. Even now you won't get an experience like WW, TP and SS.
  6. I stopped playing TP about 5 hours in but i found its overworld to be quite barren and dull as well. Does the game have any villages like Hyrule Market and Kakariko Village? Everything about that game was so lifeless to me. And yeah, you have to understand just how big of a deal OoT was in 1998. And I think the fact that a 3D game from 1998 holds up enough for you to still have fun with it is a testament to how good that game was. Because PS1/N64 games have aged the worst. I wish I could go back in time and play it again. It's probably one of the games that turned me into a "gamer"
  7. Where did you get that? I've seen prices shoot up to like 150$ in most places for it
  8. The best part is that all those points describe you perfectly :lol:
  9. No. Though the ground levels themselves reminded me of LTTP layout. Though OoT is the closest you'll get from LttP
  10. I didn't grind at all you just suck at the game lmfao, the game rewards you for so many things that it makes grinding neglible.
  11. You should have kept playing, the last 10-15 hours are mindblowingly epic.
  12. That's the only one you do I believe, the adult quests own hard.
  13. Someone alert the CIA. He is definitely out to something. Yeah driving in my 2010 Civic that's not some shitty pink piece of junk powered by bicycle pedals.
  14. You have to create a Mii first then choose your face in the friends menu. You don't have to spend much time creating your Mii, it takes a picture and automatically makes it. I've already beaten Mario land lol. I did download Pushmo and Mighty Switch Force, both own hard, MSF is really fun too check it out. Btw make some levels for Pushmo and send em to me once you set your friends list up I'm really disappointed by how barren the eshop is, thought they'd add a shit ton more since launch. They gotta add more 3D enhanced VC and DSi Ware titles.
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