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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Picked up a 3DS + Zelda for $120 this time I'm going to keep it
  2. The final boss music owns hard http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz9q6PXk3dI So unexpected and his fucking Grand Cross attack
  3. Vivi and Steiner They owned, it's too bad Vivi dies in the end ;(
  4. I couldn't beat the first one, poked a giant hole on my DS so I had to get it replaced
  5. yeah it was epic as fuck The final boss fight was impossible for me to beat though, just ridiculous.
  6. Under the Knife 2 is a lot better and the difficulty is more balanced. Such a great series, cant wait for the 3DS games
  7. get on Steam and hook me up with an emulator and some games nikka You ain't on nikka
  8. Lol it's definitely better then VII and VIII, but I'd say X and XII are much much better.
  9. Gonna start up FFIX finished alice recently and i thought the same thing. the fuck is it with games nowadays having such crappy endings honestly the ending is one the most important parts of a game. It's like "yeah we're done the last level, lets put in 3 seconds of footage of nothing in the ending and call it a day"
  10. Just beat Arkham City, it was great but damn does the ending ever blows
  11. Batman Arkham City, game's not that bad but it's really repetitive.
  12. haven't you told people repeatedly that you're a virgin? he's just finding the perfect prey for his snake.
  13. You ain't doing the Movember thing Orion? All the whities at uni are have you ever tried pissing in that direction? the natives here do it all the time have you ever tried pissing in that direction? the natives here do it all the time
  14. I think 4? Can't really remember. The last one was fucking incredible, one of my favorite bosses this gen.
  15. Chapter 5 is where the real shit starts 35 hours in SS, I think I'm almost done :( Going to be spending a lot of time upgrading all my weapons and get all the heart pieces, gems, etc.
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