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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. Gonna start up FFIX :ben:

    Just beat Arkham City, it was great but damn does the ending ever blows :ben:

    finished alice recently and i thought the same thing. the fuck is it with games nowadays having such crappy endings :shake:

    honestly the ending is one the most important parts of a game. It's like "yeah we're done the last level, lets put in 3 seconds of footage of nothing in the ending and call it a day"
  2. You ain't doing the Movember thing Orion? All the whities at uni are :ben:

    At North Cape, being all king of the world :smug:

    Posted Image

    It was windy as a motherfucker :smugd:

    have you ever tried pissing in that direction? the natives here do it all the time

    At North Cape, being all king of the world :smug:

    Posted Image

    It was windy as a motherfucker :smugd:

    have you ever tried pissing in that direction? the natives here do it all the time
  3. I played another hour of Castlevania Los. Its level design is pretty archaic, having more invisible walls than most classic action games. However, I do like the visuals and how it feels more like an action-adventure title than action game. The combat upgrades are pretty solid too. Im still very early ( I think chapter 3), but I can see why some either love or hate this game.

    Chapter 5 is where the real shit starts :bow:

    35 hours in SS, I think I'm almost done :( Going to be spending a lot of time upgrading all my weapons and get all the heart pieces, gems, etc.

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