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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. been playing a shit load of skyward sword, just beat the mining facility. good god the level design is absolutely genius. There were so many times I was stuck and had to think through many things. It's like the whole surface world feels like a giant dungeon before you actually enter the real dungeon, it just blends together so well. From what I've played so far the boss battles feel so much more satisfying and are quite challenging, along with the epic music :love: this is probably the most challenging zelda game to date as well, I barely made it out alive in some of the boss fights, and i've died more times in this game then all of the other 3D zelda games combined. they've also ramped up the overall presentation of the game quite a bit as well, characters don't feel as dry like the previous games (though it's pretty corny/gay in the beginning, the writing is pretty funny imo) and most characters serve a purpose, even if minor, whether it be for a side quest or main, sort of like majora's mask. the graphics are really well done too. they may seem shitty in screenshots, but when you're actually playing it looks really nice. Lots of blending of colours, the background looks like a flat 2D oil/pastel/water painting, then as you slowly move towards them you the image slowly turns into a 3D environmental. The upgrading system is a nice feat too, you can't always use your shield to defend since it'll break off if it takes too many hits (the first iron shield i got was demolished in 5 or 6 hits) makes for a nice challenge when in combat since you have to hit the enemy precisely and also having to worry about counter attacks or even normal attacks. There are so many things to do in this game besides the main quest, I'm only 15 hours in and I've barely scratched the surface; from all the side quests to collecting materials to upgrade your weapons, to gaining gems to turn this demon spawn into a human, etc etc etc. Also the motion controls are almost perfect, there were a few instances where I would try to stab but I end up swiping horizontally though after recalibrating the controller it worked flawlessly. For items it works perfectly, using the slingshot, bombs, etc work perfectly. You can position the remote anywhere you want and recenter the crosshair on the screen to make it more flexible and fast. Basically if you wanted a new fresh Zelda, this is it. Easily my GOTY, game is a blast to play.

  2. Starting to give LOS a chance. What this Castlevania game lacks in originality, it makes up for in entertainment. I like the SOTC type boss battles. I have also encountered a few cool puzzles.

    The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle.

    Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard.

    nah. i'm not that far. only at the end of chapter 2 (i think).

    game leaves a good first impression but it just drags on and on.

    i will just quit if i get bored. it wouldn't be the first time i've done that (actually i do it quite often).

    i found the game to drag a bit in the beginning, but then i found myself playing it non stop after killing the vampire lord. the last titan was really cool too and the ending was a big WTF :happysad:
  3. Tri is a multiplayer action game with RPG elements. It also looks really nice. To me Tri and Xenoblade are apples and oranges.

    My issue with Xenoblade isn't grinding. I rarely did any sidequests. If I saw someone with an exclamation mark over their head, I'd take their sidequest, but I wouldn't set out to complete it. If I completed it by happenstance while doing the main quest, cool, but otherwise I didn't care.

    My problem is that the areas were large and empty so I'd be walking and walking with nothing interesting to look at or find. The only thing to break up the monotony was having a grunt occasionally attack my party.

    Shopping is almost pointless because you get lots of quality armor from monster drops, but monster drops aren't much fun either because there's no chance of getting something really good like in Diablo. So there's not much of a carrot when it comes to fighting grunts either.

    Then the cast has no energy, and they're all the usual JRPG cardboard cutouts. At least up to the point where you get to Prison Island, which is where I'm at.

    The plot lost my attention when it used the old "backstabbing secession crisis in the royal kingdom" setup. I'm plain sick of that one. I’m sure that’s just a subplot and there’re lots more twists and turns, but the thought of this going on for another forty or fifty hours is too much for me.

    The large areas are meant for exploration though I can see why you wouldn't like it, but at least the game rewards you exploration and some times you will find rare items or sometimes a really nice scenery that looks like an entire level itself. The level are so vast because it is trying to emulate the scale and size of the actual Bionis which gives a sense of how huge it is. It's much better then a menu overworld and the fact that you can explore almost everything gives you a less restricted view of the game. It's also not very empty either, there's animals and enemies almost everywhere you go, especially Makna Forest where there were giant T-rex's and massive beasts. Also the technical aspects behind it all I find are astonishing for the Wii which is one thing that I really like about the game, though I agree that most of the game looks really bad up close but I'm used to it now so it doesn't bother me anymore.

    Usually I do the side quests along the way of the main quest and while exploring so 3 things are being accomplished at once so the rewards feel even greater. Yeah shopping is almost useless, I only ever use it for upgrading my characters Arts. The depth of the gameplay is incredible, there are so many factors affecting each character and I love the amount of attention is put into the gameplay which is one of the reasons why I keep playing it.

    As for the story and characters it's subjective. I find most of the characters great and their motives and connections to each other blend well together more then most games. The story definitely gets better after Prison Island and it keeps getting better, and the characters themselves change a lot. The "backstabbing secession crisis in the royal kingdom" is nothing compared to what's next lol. You're already this farmight as well keep going and how things play it out, I'm sure you won't be expecting most of things at all.

  4. I'm around 20 hours into Xenoblade and I think I'm done.

    The world is big, empty, and boring. The pacing is glacial. The side quests are filler like "Kill 5 of Monster X". The characters are dry and their rapport is dry. The character models are ugly. The environments are utilitarian. And the graphics are dank and muddy.

    The music is great, the combat system fine, and it's never a chore to play, but it's way too drawn out and I always feel vaguely bored.

    that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks.

    edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game.

    I don't understand how one can like MH3 then not like this. I hardly ever do any grinding, just fight along the way when doing side quests and look for new locations. The game rewards you EXP, AP, and SP for almost everything. Plus fighting tough battles rewards you powerful weapons making the boss fights easy. It's all about how you approach the situation. The story gets really interesting as well, many twists and themes presented. You feel like the game is almost done but then something insane happens, etc.
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