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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. I got murdered by a black phantom in Demon's Souls, he was way too strong for my soul level.

    Taking down the tower knight in coop was great though, it made me laugh how easier it is with other people, i beat the game offline before and he was a bitch.

    lmao i remember a black phantom with a big fucking sword attacked me in world 1 really early in the game so I ran the fuck down the stairs and the nikka fell down to the bottom floor, shit was hilarious :kaz:
  2. Good job, is good to see everybody getting fit in sw. ;(

    Too bad you can't do anything about that face. :tom:

    Imagine how shitty you must feel, knowing you're uglier than me. :tom:

    DEMOLISHED lmao at this two timer bitch.

    Remember when you would complain about Alfonso on MSN because he was so fucking ugly but somehow he wouldn't stop spaming his ugly mug in the photo album.

    Now that he is admin, you are kissing his ass. Typical no personality terrorist trash. :cool:

    Having to make up shit, I stopped flaming long before he became admin :D and I haven't talked to your ass for like 2-3 years since all you do is bitch about "man she LOOKED AT ME OMFG I THINK SHE LIKEZ ME OMFGOG IM GEtTING A BONER JUST THINKING ABOUT IT" I like how this terrorist trash tries to save his brown ass by making up lies. You haven't talked to me in three years but somehow you think that bit of nonsense you said will actually be relevant.

    Pakistan :kaz:

    What you're bringing up is shit from literally 4 years ago :D Honestly, you calling me a terrorist when your pooruvian ass looks straight from osama's cave in afghanistan STFD bitch :kaz:
  3. Good job, is good to see everybody getting fit in sw. ;(

    Too bad you can't do anything about that face. :tom:

    Imagine how shitty you must feel, knowing you're uglier than me. :tom:

    DEMOLISHED lmao at this two timer bitch.

    Remember when you would complain about Alfonso on MSN because he was so fucking ugly but somehow he wouldn't stop spaming his ugly mug in the photo album.

    Now that he is admin, you are kissing his ass. Typical no personality terrorist trash. :cool:

    Having to make up shit, I stopped flaming long before he became admin :D and I haven't talked to your ass for like 2-3 years since all you do is bitch about "man she LOOKED AT ME OMFG I THINK SHE LIKEZ ME OMFGOG IM GEtTING A BONER JUST THINKING ABOUT IT"It's about to go down in here.Lmao I remember him telling me that he kept trying to call cellan then she IM'd saying he was creeping her the fuck out since he was gonna book a plane to her place :kaz:
  4. Good job, is good to see everybody getting fit in sw. ;(

    Too bad you can't do anything about that face. :tom:

    Imagine how shitty you must feel, knowing you're uglier than me. :tom:

    DEMOLISHED lmao at this two timer bitch.

    Remember when you would complain about Alfonso on MSN because he was so fucking ugly but somehow he wouldn't stop spaming his ugly mug in the photo album.

    Now that he is admin, you are kissing his ass. Typical no personality terrorist trash. :cool:

    Having to make up shit, I stopped flaming long before he became admin :D and I haven't talked to your ass for like 2-3 years since all you do is bitch about "man she LOOKED AT ME OMFG I THINK SHE LIKEZ ME OMFGOG IM GEtTING A BONER JUST THINKING ABOUT IT"

    since you can't argue back you have to bring up irrelevant false information, can't even take anything like the bitch you are, go back to the bar drinking by yourself on a fucking wednesday night :kaz:

  5. Been playing Final Fantasy Tactics WoTL on PSP. I never finished the game after all those years. I'm going to dedicate myself to this goal now.

    The new retranslated script is just delightful, this is some of the best writing in the industry.

    Think I'm gonna play that too, the ones on DS were pretty fun.It's the best FF Tactics game by far. It's a lot harder though. I died a lot and i'm only a few hours in.Yeah I was playing it yesterday night, good old school SRPG's B)
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