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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Vanquish sounds like a title Treasure would develop, I think I'll give the demo another chance before I rent this.
  2. Think I'm gonna play that too, the ones on DS were pretty fun.
  3. Well that's good to hear I guess, gonna start this shit up tonight
  4. It's the best game I've played this year, easily. Most badass ending this gen
  5. Just finished up Castlevania, holy motherfucking shit WTF was up with that ending. Game took me 21 hours with a 67.39% game completion rate. Over I feel the game was definitely worth it, one of the best games I've bought this year and definitely on top 5 action games. Gonna start up Kirby
  6. It's been nearly 6 months and they can't even hack 6.0 let alone 6.2
  7. It's better to get it before they discontinue them because after that it'll be literally impossible to hack a PSP for years.
  8. Not sure where you can get it cheap tbh, I paid full price for mine and felt it was worth it
  9. There's a few steps but it doesn't take long at all. John Omaha sent me a tutorial and I did everything in less then 2 minutes, so I can send it to you as well once you get the GT bundle.
  10. Can't remember, but be prepared to book some anger management appointments
  11. PSP is a really great purchase for RPG fans, you should definitely get it twinkie. and finish up P3 as well
  12. If you can find the Gran Turismo bundle, they can be hacked. Just don't insert the game otherwise it'll auto update.
  13. The 2nd one is such a disappointment and possible the laziest sequel this gen
  14. LoS is turning out to be my favorite action game this gen so much detail, variety, etc put into everything it's like Kojima developed the game.
  15. Yeah the SotC type fight felt very nostalgic, with epic music playing and Titan fucker trying to kick you off while you're struggling to hold on. Shit was boss
  16. How far are you? The third day, "Beldr". It's like 10 or 11am where I stopped playing Also I'd like to add since it wasn't clear that the game is awesome Yeah, it's a great game and it's not too tough in the beginning but there were definitely brutal moments. It could've been because I didn't grind any of the side missions or just because it was my first grid based RPG but I wanted to pull some hairs out at the end. The game wasn't that hard until the last day, good lord every fight I barely made it out alive
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