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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Return it like ASAP. I bought it used, so I can play it for 7 days at most before taking it back. The SP is pure shit The MP is decent but it's nothing new. PM if you wanna play a few matches online (if there are people still playing)
  2. yeh if you're ever there just tell the brown waitress to text me and ill be over.
  3. nice, we go every thursdays and just get buzzed as fuck
  4. lmao i hate having to untag myself on fb, don't want my aunt and uncle seeing what shit i do have you gone to the hookah lounge yet?
  5. haven't posted mine for a while, i was pretty blazed when i took mine. Gotta shave too, damn school
  6. Playing Layton 2, fuck I love this game And damn some puzzles are a mindfuck.
  7. Yeah that part was a bummer, just keep going and it'll get crazy soon don't forget to finish then secret mission at the end for the real ending, absolutely badass
  8. We should co-op After I finish RDR (I think I'm close) I might get back on DS. I'm on NG+. Could we still co-op I just started NG+ not too long ago and got raped pretty hard (level 61 I think)
  9. Switch your control layout so you have the sword as the main and the gun as the sub. Helps a lot
  10. lmao the final boss is ridiculous. The games overall are fucking hard but so much fun.
  11. Still need to finish it Can't wait to play when I get home.
  12. Metroid is easily the most innovative game this year, feels so fresh and new. It's truly a unique game, one of the best this year easily.
  13. How do I kill those motherfuckers in the research lab, I'm in first person view and I ran outta missles and can't recharge
  14. I think I'm almost done. Clocked in 11 hours and 34 minutes with 7 energy tanks, 6 energy parts, 50 missles, 3 charge accelerators, and 2 energy capacitors Just got the gravity suit, and Just escaped from a crazy ass scene. God damn this game is full of win.
  15. I guess most reviewers don't like it when a series tries to innovate itself and does a very well job at it.
  16. You can use my iptorrents account if you want Seriously it fucking owns hard. It's even better if you're a metroid fan plus the CG is some of the best I've seen
  17. Fuck Spoiler the gravity boss from fusion is back fuck this game keeps delivering, how the hell is this getting average reviews?
  18. Holy fuck In metroid Spoiler ridley looks fucking godly in CG also the boss fight is fucking epic
  19. I just got the varia suit, she doesn't look cartoony anymore I'm surprisesd how nice the graphics are and they never go below 60 fps
  20. No it probably takes like 30 min to an hour to get used to. Only major gripe is when you're in 3rd person (like RE4) and slowly walking down dark tunnels the controls really hurt but thank god those parts are like 2 minutes and mostly for cinematics Charging up your beam then finishing off an enemy is satisfying as hell it's not a QTE though, you have to jump behind an enemy and a quick slick kill animation will show and it's pretty badass. Story is surprisingly getting better too.
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