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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. Bought Killzone 2, today. I've only played the demo once and that was a few years ago. Going to see what all the excitement was about.

    Return it like ASAP.

    I bought it used, so I can play it for 7 days at most before taking it back. :ben:

    The SP is pure shit :ben: The MP is decent but it's nothing new. PM if you wanna play a few matches online (if there are people still playing)
  2. No it probably takes like 30 min to an hour to get used to. Only major gripe is when you're in 3rd person (like RE4) and slowly walking down dark tunnels the controls really hurt but thank god those parts are like 2 minutes and mostly for cinematics Charging up your beam then finishing off an enemy is satisfying as hell B) it's not a QTE though, you have to jump behind an enemy and a quick slick kill animation will show and it's pretty badass. Story is surprisingly getting better too.

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