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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Fuck other m owns, it's gone way beyond my expections
  2. you're still pretty far away fuck Just keep playing, the ending will make you ;(
  3. Also been playing some Metroid other M My only main issue is that turning is a bit clumsy but it's just going to take some getting used to. I'm surprised how well the 3rd person to 1st person transition is so quick and fluid. Best of all the level design is godly as usual and finding upgrades is very well integrated into the environment. The graphics so far are really well done for Wii game and the CG cutscenes are really nice and blend in very well with the ingame graphics. Samus voice acting kinda sucks though it's not a huge problem except for some emo parts. I haven't played too much, j
  4. Good luck REDE, you're gonna need it also Persona 3 has got to have the saddest/depressing ending in a game, real manly tear jerker ;(
  5. Good luck REDE, you're gonna need it also Persona 3 has got to have the saddest/depressing ending in a game, real manly tear jerker ;(
  6. Just beat Demon's Souls, godly motherfucking game. Game is perfect; varied environments, same level structure as Metroid Prime (you may not be powerful enough to take on the next area right away so come back later), insaningly addicting gameplay, best boss fights this gen, co-op is fun as hell, best atmosphere in a game this gen by a mile, etc etc. I know some of them sound really exaggerated but fck this game is the Metroid Prime of this gen.
  7. Damn been playing Demon's Souls all day Co-op is so much fun, I love it how I summon someone who just rushes and clears the way for me then quits when Im about to take on the boss
  8. And I'm surprised there are a ton of people still playing this online.
  9. Lol I invaded someone and kicked their ass now I gotta find those stones that revive you so I can coop that Flamelurker
  10. you should consider sucking less. At least I ain't pussying out on this masterpiece just found out that you have to be alive to summon other players. Also destroyed my first phantom, was an epic battle I remember the first time I got invaded. Fucking an alarm sound went off and you got a warning flash. I was like..WTF do I do? Lmao yeah I was scared shitless and just on my toes the entire time. As soon as the dude tried to heal himself I fucking bolted at him and hacking away until he died
  11. learn2grind theres an area in the 4th world where you can get a shitload of souls in just 1 minute. Yeah I just found out and killed that reaper for like an hour straight and upgraded my stats and bought the Avalice Ring so ill get more souls Time to take on the fucking Flamelurker again you're still on that boss? dude is easy as hell if you just sit back and spam soul arrow Using soul arrows Real men go head-to-head Fucker never gives me a chance to attack
  12. learn2grind theres an area in the 4th world where you can get a shitload of souls in just 1 minute. Yeah I just found out and killed that reaper for like an hour straight and upgraded my stats and bought the Avalice Ring so ill get more souls Time to take on the fucking Flamelurker again
  13. you should consider sucking less. At least I ain't pussying out on this masterpiece just found out that you have to be alive to summon other players. Also destroyed my first phantom, was an epic battle
  14. Had like 30,000 souls then died ;( Fuck I spent like 2 hours grinding as a phantom too.
  15. Yeah Almost done P3P Spoiler i got until Dec 31st to decide if I should kill Ryouji or not, what do i do
  16. Diablo 2 owns the hell out of MMOs. The only MMO I like is Guild Wars, but thats because the art style goes a long way. And it's F2P. Word You getting #2?
  17. The art style cutscenes fucking own and the music is even better
  18. Just started up some Peace Walker, why the fuck isn't this on PS3
  19. it's basically god of war meets zelda, with elements of portal and a few other games. it sooooo lacks originality. however, it's a fun marriage of stolen ideas. one of the better action-adventure titles i've played in a while. some cool puzzles too. it's also long. Well I'm sold.
  20. I gotta give Darksiders a shot one day, it looks really interesting from all the feedback by you guys.
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