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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Nah I see a couple of blue stones lying around all the time.
  2. Plus if you're stuck someone that's playing can also help you out.
  3. Don't be scared by it's difficulty, I'd say it's as hard NGB. Though it's easily one of the most rewarding games I've played all gen, god damn I feel like I'm the shit after I beat a boss it sounds cheap as hell. It's just this one part because the platform is so tiny lol. The game is incredibly fair, you get a big ass reward for defeating a boss, but dying leaves you with heavy consequences. It does sound cheap as hell but it's incredibly balanced, and once you get used to the game it's not that difficult.
  4. Don't be scared by it's difficulty, I'd say it's as hard NGB. Though it's easily one of the most rewarding games I've played all gen, god damn I feel like I'm the shit after I beat a boss
  5. lol yeah I'm gonna call my buddy and ask him to help me out and let others come in too
  6. Fuck I was so close to killing the last one. I RAGE QUIT hard, like FUUUCKCKCKCKCKCKKC
  7. lmao yeah the fucker threw me off the platform a lot of times. I'm gonna come back this fight later on when I get stronger, this is just too much. Also the Flamelurker Why why WHY
  8. Fuck the game really gives you a sense of being pathetically weak and small, which just makes the boss fights so fucking epic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyOa9_jNnEw
  9. LMAO WTF there's 2 Maneaters jesus I had a hard enough time putting 1's health down to half, how the hell am I supposed to kill em without getting raped to oblivion Godly fucking game, feels like an extremely hard version of Zelda
  10. Taking a break from P3P and continuing Demon's Souls
  11. I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. You can use my Blizzard account if you want.
  12. the moments leading up to the final assassination owned so hard. walking on the rafters. Yeah, and lmao at how Desmond says "What. The. FUCK." at the endlol. I can't wait to play the third (and hopefully final) AC. Lmao same, hope it's set in modern times.
  13. the moments leading up to the final assassination owned so hard. walking on the rafters. Yeah, and lmao at how Desmond says "What. The. FUCK." at the end
  14. Just beat AssCreed 2, holy shit what the fuck was up with that ending
  15. If you have a PSP play P3P, it's surprisingly really good compared to the PS2 game i sold my PSP like 2 years ago :( dumb decision especially since i was only able to buy 1 game with the money Damn that's shitty, right now the only hackable PSP is the GT bundle (comes with FW 4.21, just don't insert the game) :] I'd get it now because the PSP's with 6.00+ can never be hacked.
  16. If you have a PSP play P3P, it's surprisingly really good compared to the PS2 game
  17. Damn seriously? it was the same director for FFXII too, that's a shame
  18. Watching him go like this after such a long and epic case was the most satisfying thing this gen for me
  19. Caved in and bought a PSP. About to hack it and hopefully once it works I'll be able to play Peace Walker
  20. Yeah I got like 12 of them before I gave up lmao. Too lazy to look around them. I got 88 feathers and I'm about to give up on it too 96% completion though, which ain't too bad I may 1000 this game soon.
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