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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. splosion man fucking owns We should get some LBP going on soon. fo sho! u ever try trials hd? Yeah on PC, game is a lot of fun
  2. splosion man fucking owns We should get some LBP going on soon.
  3. Game's going for $20 nowadays, but isn't the game only like 5 hours?
  4. 88% finished collecting everything Just need 80 feathers and a shitload of paintings and one more weapon
  5. Damn really? I'm really absorbed into the game and it's nice finally playing a game that isn't a shooter after a long time so it feels really fresh to me. i gotta play more. sometimes the clumsy combat gets to me. lmao I don't bother with the combat half the time. Counter/disarm -> then RUN THE FUCK AWAY
  6. Damn really? I'm really absorbed into the game and it's nice finally playing a game that isn't a shooter after a long time so it feels really fresh to me.
  7. This should be back to the main forum Anyways, playing AC2, game is fucking awesome and time flies like crazy. Currently trying to find all the Glyphs
  8. Upgrading your town and earning more income is pretty nice addition too Invest a lot in the beginning, and you'll be raking in cash.
  9. Yeah doing the Glyph puzzles and finding the Assassin's tombs are awesome
  10. The graphics and architecture of the buildings are really well done. Still kinda iffy on the controls though. Some issues with screen tearing and pop-in as well as the AF is pretty bad
  11. I'd get the PS3 version to whoop some cow ass but too bad all my friends are getting it on 360
  12. I've been thinking about picking up NCAA 11. Think I'll wait it out for Madden though Which version are you getting?360 Nice, prepare to get whipped
  13. I've been thinking about picking up NCAA 11. Think I'll wait it out for Madden though Which version are you getting?
  14. AssCreed 2 is pretty awesome So much shit to collect in this game
  15. It's pretty good so far, I gotta get some points to try out Limbo. Do you need to be connected to XBL to play arcade games?
  16. Mass Effect 2, easily one of the best games this gen.
  17. Just bought it for $20 at Staples, gonna try this beast out now
  18. Do you think it's worth $40? hell no. isnt it 20 at your gamestop?Nah it's like $40 new and $38 used I'll wait a bit longer before I buy it
  19. Fuck I really wanna get it but I don't want to spend $200 on paperweight ;(
  20. Watching Twinblade fighting for survival never gets old
  21. lmao it's better then most arcade games out these days. Plus free add-ons and there's so many levels in the campaign you're playing and posting at te same time? No I died
  22. lmao it's better then most arcade games out these days. Plus free add-ons and there's so many levels in the campaign
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