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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Some stuff came up so I probably can't go on till 830 cst ;(
  2. Everyone should get Alien Swarm for Steam, godly free game should run on really shitty computers no problem too
  3. And fuck Hades is hard I'm losing my mad skills in almost every game nowadays ;(
  4. Yeah I played some at my friends house they're brutal lmao you down to play some now?
  5. I'm probably gonna get flamed hard for this but I found NG2 more satisfying Even though it's pretty bad
  6. God of War 3, so much more enjoyable then Bayonetta IMO. Godly game overall
  7. how far are you in DQIX? i wish more people here played it Not too far, just killed that evil queen who put the curse on that golbez lookin knight damn, you're still at the very beginning i've already clocked in almost 35 hours Lmao damn, haven't had much time to play anything tbh.
  8. how far are you in DQIX? i wish more people here played it Not too far, just killed that evil queen who put the curse on that golbez lookin knight
  9. Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game This thread isn't about review sites nor fanboyism, more game discussion Tell that to the guy who quoted Cliffy B followed by a TCHBR Or do you think the term Bigger badder better was something AVK made up? It's true though, the game was full of ownage
  10. Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game This thread isn't about review sites nor fanboyism, more game discussion
  11. how sick are the visuals there? They're insane Yeah CM that part was pretty funny "that's imposs- oh wait nvm" When tenzin jumped on that beasts back and started hacking away at it's back was boss
  12. Yeah, when the cinematic camera was rising up I noticed that goat-yetti monster and scared he shit outta me lmao. Talk about a "when you see it, you'll shit bricks" event.
  13. I wish I played UC2 earlier damn Gee killed off most of it's wow factor The only exclusive that comes close is Gears 2, though UC2 is better thanks to it's it platforming and different environment. Both are really huge and badass, though again I wish I played it before Gee overhyping the shit out of it.
  14. 6 hours in Uncharted 2 and only 60% done, that's longer then the first game so far lmao
  15. i knew you would like it. it owns the graphics in that temple look straight out of a CG movie
  16. Roff how you liking DA so far? Funny that is mentioned cause I'm finally about to start playing it. Any thing I should know before starting? Don't get mad when you start the game and after what seems like 5 minutes you'll be seeing the sun rising and go "holy shit it;s already 6 AM"
  17. Yeah it was pretty pointless. Only part I didn't like in the game.
  18. not gonna happen unless you have a 2gb card.What is that game in your siggy,Ice? HALO REACH
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