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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. looking back, i really wish the 360 had a campaign as good as uc2 :( at least xbla owns B)

    Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR

    Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game :D

    This thread isn't about review sites nor fanboyism, more game discussion :face:

    Tell that to the guy who quoted Cliffy B followed by a TCHBR :face:

    Or do you think the term Bigger badder better was something AVK made up? :face:

    It's true though, the game was full of ownage :bow:
  2. looking back, i really wish the 360 had a campaign as good as uc2 :( at least xbla owns B)

    Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR

    Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game :D

    This thread isn't about review sites nor fanboyism, more game discussion :face:
  3. Yeah, when the cinematic camera was rising up I noticed that goat-yetti monster and scared he shit outta me lmao. Talk about a "when you see it, you'll shit bricks" event.

    how sick are the visuals there?

    They're insane :jerkit:

    Yeah CM that part was pretty funny "that's imposs- oh wait nvm"

    When tenzin jumped on that beasts back and started hacking away at it's back was boss B)

  4. looking back, i really wish the 360 had a campaign as good as uc2 :( at least xbla owns B)

    I wish I played UC2 earlier damn Gee killed off most of it's wow factor :meh:

    The only exclusive that comes close is Gears 2, though UC2 is better thanks to it's it platforming and different environment. Both are really huge and badass, though again I wish I played it before Gee overhyping the shit out of it.

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