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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. Phoenix Wright is one of the best games this gen The last case is some of the most epic shit ever.
  2. btw GG GD, that was a fun level We gotta try playing the prism level; me and voidler tried it before with someone else it's fucking crazy with all the platforming and switches, etc. How was mah voice? It was kinda cracked up because you pretty much live at the other side of NA
  3. Total cost? Well i kept my old case and PSU, the HD5850 i purchased earlier in the year, so for a new Mobo, RAM and CPU +HSF it came to around £550. Damn that's pretty cheap. He forgot the other $10,000, THHBR Euro's get fucked over in pricing in almost everything but PC components
  4. Total cost? Well i kept my old case and PSU, the HD5850 i purchased earlier in the year, so for a new Mobo, RAM and CPU +HSF it came to around £550. Damn that's pretty cheap.
  5. I only fought him once Gonna grind some souls then upgrade my magic and strength. It's been a long ass time since I played a challenging game
  6. Best way to beat the spider one is to hang back. There is a way to run up and get him but I could never pull it off I tried rambo'ing the fucker but his big ass legs grabbed me and he belly flopped me
  7. God damn fireball spitting spider boss in Demon's Souls and that fat guy throwing fire balls is annoying as FUCK. 7 Hours in and I've only managed to kill 1 boss ;(
  8. Lmao it's ridiculous 30$ for the smallest package rofl.
  9. And lmao in the mission briefing after the conference was done and mei ling asks "any questions?" then snake says "anyone got a smoke?" and everyone facepalm'd. I lol'd
  10. On Act 5, just killed Screaming Mantis Took me forever to figure out how to kill her.
  11. Demon's Souls/LittleBigPlanet/Counter-Strike: Source
  12. I'm trying to rescue the sage from prison in that Tower, holy fuck its hard :( I had like 12,000 souls and I dropped down this ledge and some motherfucker with the plague raped me.
  13. We need to coop ASAP. How do you do it though? I have no idea I saw this blue glowing stone on the ground and when I picked it up some dude popped out and helped me out Was fucking boss but then he got mauled by the dragon I'm gonna get on soon though, not working OT tonight.
  14. Yeah I got the Cling Ring and Thiefs Ring in the beginning, got the Bastard Sword too but I'm not poweful enough to wield it. Rocking a badass Knight
  15. Thanks for the tips, so I'm guessing the first stage on any world is the easiest and it progressively gets harder with each iteration. Damn these fools
  16. I got work from 530pm to 530am so probably not :( what you mopping up jizz at a peepshow like jon b does? Gotta make sure these fools (and myself) don't kill themselves when making steel, brutal job, terrible hours, but amazing pay
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