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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. My new BeastC has went together well. Rolling with a i7 920 at 4Ghz with 6GB of ram. Waiting on my HD5850 get back from RMA then i'll be ready to melt faces.

    So i've downloaded Crysis and Warhead off of Steam and i'm in the process of getting GTAIV to give this bitch a test.

    Total cost?

    Well i kept my old case and PSU, the HD5850 i purchased earlier in the year, so for a new Mobo, RAM and CPU +HSF it came to around £550.

    Damn that's pretty cheap. He forgot the other $10,000, THHBR :killzone:Euro's get fucked over in pricing in almost everything but PC components :killzone:
  2. My new BeastC has went together well. Rolling with a i7 920 at 4Ghz with 6GB of ram. Waiting on my HD5850 get back from RMA then i'll be ready to melt faces.

    So i've downloaded Crysis and Warhead off of Steam and i'm in the process of getting GTAIV to give this bitch a test.

    Total cost?

    Well i kept my old case and PSU, the HD5850 i purchased earlier in the year, so for a new Mobo, RAM and CPU +HSF it came to around £550.

    Damn that's pretty cheap.
  3. God damn fireball spitting spider boss in Demon's Souls :rage: and that fat guy throwing fire balls is annoying as FUCK. 7 Hours in and I've only managed to kill 1 boss ;(

    Best way to beat the spider one is to hang back. There is a way to run up and get him but I could never pull it off I tried rambo'ing the fucker but his big ass legs grabbed me and he belly flopped me :scared:
  4. Yeah I got the Cling Ring and Thiefs Ring in the beginning, got the Bastard Sword too but I'm not poweful enough to wield it. Rocking a badass Knight B)

    We need to coop ASAP. How do you do it though? :ben:

    I have no idea :ben: I saw this blue glowing stone on the ground and when I picked it up some dude popped out and helped me out B) Was fucking boss but then he got mauled by the dragon :D I'm gonna get on soon though, not working OT tonight.

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