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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. So I spent a good hour getting around 5000 souls then this fucker who can only take magic hits kills me and now i can't get my souls back because it's right behind him :rage: How do I get magic?

    This is what you do. Go back to where you lost your soul. Hopefully you didn't die again cause if you did, you lost those 5000 souls. Now go back and as fast as you can grab back your souls. Once you got them back quit the game via the guide button. :smug:

    Yup I died again so I lost em all :ben: Gonna start a new game

    REDE I never played this before it was all bait before :ben:

  2. i didnt pull anything, SK did after bashing "cowspot" for months :reg:

    I'm only using the site cows care about nice flip flopping :reg:

    and invalidating your own argument AND your crying about gs for months? nice :reg: and that would also invalidate your arguments supporting GS, and thus you're admitting to the use of GR means we no longer use GS.no it doesnt. im fine with the GS score, its rated like that because the content is old. youre the one thats not fine with GS so i brought up GR.

    whats funny is this is the only supposed "ownage" you try and discredit my taste with. a game that has a 12% diff on gs/gr and a game in a genre where most people here hate the alternatives (sim racers). and if there was a new F-zero announced for the wii/3ds, i guarantee you and the rest of the sheep would proclaim it RGOTG. dont even try and deny that :reg:

    meanwhile pat thinks RDR is GOTG, batman is runner-up GOTG, loves darksiders & LO, and is hyping kinect :ben:

    That's why I PM'd you since I was gonna get it but you never replied faggot :ben:

    and yeah PatHBR

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